Toe-Kick Heaters in the Kitchen - any recommendations?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Yardley, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    With the layout of our kitchen remodel, we will be forced to use electric toe kick heaters. However a neighbor says his is very loud and he can't stand it, so he turns his off.

    Anyone got any plusses or minuses here?

    Any good ones? Any to avoid?

  2. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    A flamethrower always works. Nice dispersal rate too. :TU:
  3. 8587GN

    8587GN Well-Known Member

    Jeff,are you using ceramic tile floors on the remodel? If so,consider the radiant heat that goes into the cement backer for the tile
  4. RivVer

    RivVer Active Member

    If you have any available wall space at all - an electric in wall heater would work fine. They make small ones. Otherwise electric blanket as suggested before is nice - don't have to do the whole floor cause heat loss may not be that great.
  5. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    are you talking about baseboard electric heaters? We don't have gas available where I live, so my whole house is heated with those. I spend less for my all-electric house than I did for gas and electric at a smaller house. I have never noticed them making any noise at all, other than ticking when they are heating up. It's also nice not having forced air heat because my allergies are usually bothered by it.
  6. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Sorry, vinyl flooring. And we'll have no wall space at all.

    These are little heaters that go in the toe kick area - the recessed area under your wall cabinets. The place where your toes go when you stand as close to a cabinet as you can get. Hence the name toe-kick, because your toes always kick them.

    The wife just wants me to be sure we get good ones.
  7. sixtynine462

    sixtynine462 Guest

    Well, if you're anything like my wife, you will be constantly finding a way to crunch your toe on them :) (Don't tell her I said that). I've never heard of that type heater.

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