Touch up pain question

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by gringo6998, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. gringo6998

    gringo6998 Well-Known Member

    Here is the deal, I just bought a 72 skylark.
    The pain is ok, not show quality but good enough for me at this point.
    There are some areas on the car that could use some touch up. Where
    or how do I get touch up paint that is close.
    Im pretty sure it is seamist green #43
    Your help is much appreciated, thanks.
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Many paint stores have a light gun that will take a reading and produce a number that will result in a close mix. They will fine tune it from there. Over time the color has changed and it is unlikely to be the same today as the original formula.
  3. gringo6998

    gringo6998 Well-Known Member

    Good idea thanks!

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