ugly 70 steering wheel

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by Topless64-455, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    My 70 GS had this style wheel on it but now has the sport wheel that looks better. I think I want to have one just to have the original wheel. Does anybody have this style wheel and how much?

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  2. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I have one thats got a crack in it but not too bad . I think it can be repaired . Crack in back by the collumn. WHat is it worth ? I am sure we can make a deal .
  3. moleary

    moleary GOD Bless America

    I had one on a 70 gs 350 car, but it looked better since the center cap was right side up:laugh:

    If you want to sell it, and STAGED 70 passes, I will take it.
  4. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    He is wanting one:spank: I have one do you want mine if he passes
  5. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    Hi John, Can you post a picture of the back and do you have the center cap? I am interested in it. Thanks
  6. moleary

    moleary GOD Bless America

    Hey John,

    I liked that balck one, pretty good shape in the pic.... again, as you know, looking to hoard. Shoot me a pic at

  7. GS Spoken Here

    GS Spoken Here Well-Known Member

    Ed If you get a wheel I have an exta horn cap that is right side up! Thanks Bill.
  8. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    Ed I was at the shop where my car is at I forgot the camera . I did look at it real ggo and it has a crack thats opend up almost an 1/8th inch running from the collumn straight to the back of the wheel and it has 2 of those . The rim is uncracked but it has a pattern on it from a cover that was on it for a while but that will clean off its very hard to see on the car . I am not sure what this is worth but if you need a pic I'll get you one I am thinking 25.00 shipped with the horn stuff . Just want you to be apprised of its condition .
  9. Topless64-455

    Topless64-455 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for checking John. I am trying to find one with very little cracks. I missed an NOS 67 wheel on ebay today. It sold for 27.00:Dou:

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