Wanted- 15" Black sport wheel

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by CJay, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Anyone have a complete black 15" sport wheel? Need one for my 72 GS. I have to get rid of that aweful two spoke base steering wheel...yeeeech! Doesnt have to be mint. A wheel with the grain partially/ totally worn off is fine for this application. The car is just a driver.

  2. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I can do one for 275.00+ shipping
    Wheel , horn button, adaptor, horn retainer, horn contact
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Im not sure if Im being realistic or not, but I was trying to keep the expense at around 140-150 bucks. I should of mentioned that in the original post. I can get the complete repro wheel for 219.00 off Ebay. Although it does come with a Chevy horn button.
  4. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I would buy that one . They look good enough for a repo and the cap is available for 70.00 from TPP . I have seen some caps in red and tan sel for much less and just dye them black .

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