What's the ettiqette w/lemons here?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Poppaluv, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    Hi everyone,
    I would like to get a concensus of how or what I should do to help/stop someone from getting this rust-bucket. :ball:
    I won't say any names (yet) but after weeks of delays, I finally made it down to Fla. and back (1,300 mi and $500. later) with an empty trailer. :mad:
    There is a Skylark on this board for sale, decent $. RUST FREE, STRAIGHT,STRAIGHT,STRAIGHT. Spoke to owner several times. Was told " that this car has absolutely no rust, no holes, just needs TLC and interior"-QUOTE. It's a good thing I brought my friend who's family has been in the buisness for over 50 yrs. :Brow: After crawling in the trunk he noticed the ENTIRE rear deck had rusted away from some serious leakage! ,with a lotta bondo. There is a fist sized hole through the radiator core with a ton of solder ( I guess that's why an electric fan was added w/ switches in the dash-manual). The electric fuel pump has to be turned on manually also! When my friend tried to crawl under, he was told "don't do that we have fire ants". He noticed the crinkled qtrs. and before he said anything, the guy said, "the qtrs. aren't crinkled or any thing!" The BEST part was my friend sliding out and asking " whatt-u use 'glass?" "Oh no, no 'glass jus a lil' bondo". "Where?" "Oh, it's been soooo long, I don't know" :spank: :blast: The worst part was that he 'GLASSED the body where the body mounts attach behind the rear( how unsafe is that??), and denied that he did it!! :spank: Also the qtrs. were slathered with bondoon the inside.Now I had been up for almost 32 hrs. at this point and wasn't too sharp. :puzzled: :sleep: My friend was saying a lot I just kept seeing a pretty car and didn't catch what he was trying to tell me til' we got back to our hotel.
    Now I could've went off but frankly I was to bummed out by the whole ordeal as this was a present for my fiance. BTW I should've known sumptin' was up when he started bragging about this "beautiful" Grand Nat. he bought just to find out the mounts were ALL rusty and broken. When I asked "what you do he said he unloaded it to a guy, who unloaded it to a guy, who wrote him saying how happy he was". :moonu: I think he went out of his way to search this poor fellow out to feel him out. His wife kept calling it a "pig in a dress" and laughed.He also lied to our face about what kind of paint he applied ( Nasso?), cheapest you can find. He cut the springs so much the car could barely be turned, put in a 10 bolt when orig. it had a 12, had turn downs and the exhaust was RUBBING the driveshaft!!!! All in all we feel this car was hobbled together, painted cheaply, wrongly described(LIED,LIED,LIED) and DANGEROUS to drive!!
    Any advice or suggestions are welcomed as he sometimes resides here and is still trying to sell the car. :Do No: :Smarty: :Comp: :beer :ball:
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2005
  2. mechacode

    mechacode Well-Known Member

    Tell Jim?
  3. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    Whatever you do, make sure you DON'T post anything in the original ad for the car here. That's definately against the board rules.
    I would think that you should post something in the bench or in the feedback section.
    You have a right to your opinion. Just keep it a fair assemsment of the car, and not a personal attack on the seller. :TU:
  4. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!


    Well, I was trying to feel my way around in this. I guess I could just keep an eye out for anyone who inquires about it and let them know what I found. This guy seemed decent enough, just misrepresented what he had. Before I left I even heard from a couple of guys who know him and they commented on how nice a car it was. I don't know if they gave it a good going over or what. But if I was told the truth I sure wouldn't have wasted weeks of working to get ready and all that $$$$$. :ball:
  5. 1 bad gs

    1 bad gs Well-Known Member


    well jason, at least you were smart enough to check the car out first. i would NEVER buy a car sight unseen. ive known a couple people who bought cars from just the sellers description and a few pictures. not a good idea.
  6. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    You got that right

    That is about the only thing i can be happy about I guess.And I almost did that.
    New paint, a couple of people praising the car and seller, almost had me buying a plane ticket....destination....dissapoinment. Boy did I learn my lesson. Next time I wil pay for one of those guys who does a FULL inspection. I'm still upset most of all 'cause Brandy was really lookin' forward to this car. I'm actually to depressed to search for another car right now. :ball:
  7. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    reminds me of when i took a long drive 2 see a members car for sale,while being preached about how great the car and seller were by others from forum...(years ago)......

    they wouldnt even let me look in the trunk or put the convertable top up... :rant: ....

    bottom line ....Buyer Beware......I have learned my lesson many times..and then some
  8. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    Whoa. Back the truck up.

    Are you saying a seller of an antique vehicle was trying to sell you a car but wouldn't let you look in the trunk or operate the convertible top upon inspection before the purchase????????

    RED FLAG!!!!!!!!
  9. Specman

    Specman Well-Known Member

    This really bothers me. If Jasons assessment is correct then either the owner of the car is trying to sell a "pig in a poke", as my grandma would say, or he is oblivious to the actual condition of the car. Since he objected to an under car inspection ( fire ants???) I suspect he is trying to unload a dog. There has to be a way to let others know whats going on without attacking the individual or insulting him by questioning his price. I would be double pissed if I missed this stuff on an inspection and found out that others knew the correct condition but didnt think it appropriate to share.
    I know that it is "buyer beware", but there has to be a way for us to share information regarding the honest condition of a vehicle.
  10. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    If it was misrepresented then I think the name should be posted. This board should not be used to scam other participants.

    What will be lost if names are named on an obviously bad car?? One participant that had nothing but bad things to contribute---can't call that a loss. Winnow the herd. Patton
  11. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    Just post a new thread in the bench, with a link to the ad.

    Nothing wrong with 'discussing' an ad in the bench :TU:
  12. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Jason-Erik----pm'd you . If you are referring to the ad I think you are this idiot has to be revealed---with all the pics posted and detailed description in the ad and then to find out the result you got ....talk about false advertising! That is b.s. Thnx, Patton
  13. 69GS400s

    69GS400s ...my own amusement ride!

    Sauteed over a high heat with some garlic and white whine
  14. sailbrd

    sailbrd Well-Known Member

    I think the person should be named. I have had great luck buying from the people on this board. The lack of honesty by one will reflect on all of us and reduce the value of what we have here. Let the person defend themselves if they have a case. If they can't ... too bad go somewhere else.
  15. pglade

    pglade Well-Known Member

    Yeah--don't name the guy and let this seller tell all his car buddies how they can unload their junk Buick stuff onto the "suckers over on V8Buick"...no consequences means nothing changes. Patton
  16. limemist

    limemist Stage1....of 801

    Just tell the truth and let the people know of your experience. Sometimes "etiquette" is just a form of lying by omission. Speak your peace man!
    A lot of American soldiers have died to secure and protect your constitutional rights. One of those rights is "FREEDOM OF SPEACH” Just tell the truth.
  17. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    yes...I didnt even bother driving it....

    ....told me the trunk was full of parts and would not be able 2 see anything...
    ....the top couldnt be moved up or down bcs the cover was tedious 2 snap back on.....I had wished it start raining... :Brow: ....btw , that member hasnt been on for a long time...and the car was priced average and then some ,not a basket or project....

    ...ps...what would happen if you ask someone 2 inspect a distant car out for you....and they turn out buying it for themselves or freinds... :rant: ...I will reveal no name though...
  18. Poppaluv

    Poppaluv I CALL WINNERS!!!

    here it goes....

    I'm posting this because I've recieved pm's from people searching my posts. I've been lookin' a lil' and don't want anyone with a great car to be slighted by any of my comments if it's a differant car. BTW he only posted here a dozen times-just for this car( he's in the GSCA :Do No: ). So here it goes.... " '67 Lark w/ 455 near Tampa" :rant:
    Got it? Looks great huh? Good thing I have a friend with a good back that doesn't mind fire ants!! :beer Good luck guys. I'm still lookin' for a car for Brandy. :3gears:
  19. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I make a motion that any person who performs such an act be banned from this board and the BPG.

    I also make a motion to reveal said person and publicly rip him a new one.
  20. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member


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