wtb early model 455 heads.

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by musclehead, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. musclehead

    musclehead Well-Known Member

    Please let me know what you`ve got.I`m building a 76 motor and have to get some different heads.Thanks,John
  2. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    Whats your location
  3. musclehead

    musclehead Well-Known Member

    I`m not far from you.I`m in Memphis.I could meet you if necessary.
  4. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I have some 1970 heads off a GS 455 for 300.00 , still good shape . I am going to go with Stage 2 aluminum . It would be cheaper to drive here to get them than to ship . I would consider meeting you for gas money .
  5. musclehead

    musclehead Well-Known Member

    Sounds good.I want them.Are they Stage 1 heads?Do you know what casting # they are?What do you mean by good shape?Are they ready to be mounted or do they need a little work?How`s the 20th or 21st sound and maybe we could meet somewhere in between.My birthday is the 22nd these would be a good gift to myself.
  6. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    I will get the numbers off the heads today . They were on a good running engine. I would not be afraid to mount them to a used engine . That said if you have rebuilt you engine I would have a shop freshen them up . The weekend of the 21st is not real good for me any days sooner? I will post the head casting numbers later today . I have appointments for the 17th thru the 19th .
  7. musclehead

    musclehead Well-Known Member

    My wife`s birthday is this weekend or I`d say I`d come then.I`m working during the week.How about the weekend of the 28th?I can take a day off during the week if I have to to come get them.I`ll be on the lookout for the casting #`s.Thanks again.
  8. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    Well here is a tough one ! I found out I have 2 sets . The set I thought were used have been totally rebuilt . The other set is needing work so they would be 200.00 . I dropped them off at the shop to see if they are good . I will send you the info as soon as they check them . Both sets carry casting number 1231786 . 68cc I also have a nice set of rebuildable 71 heads I can get those casting numbers tonight .
  9. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    The 71s are 661's and are still much better than the 70's . I will have info soon on the other set of 70s . I would consider selling the 786 heads but the price would have to include the new parts and labor I encountered on these . They are ready to bolt on and go! You can call me at
    314-352-8093 tomorrow or between now and 7 or 10 to 11 tonight . I have a union meeting to go to
  10. musclehead

    musclehead Well-Known Member

    How much for the rebuilt heads and do you know what was done to them?3 angle valve job,port,polish etc.Also what are you wanting for the 71 heads?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2007

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