Yogi's gone.....

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BQUICK, Sep 23, 2015.


    BQUICK Gold Level Contributor

    Yogi Berra passed at 90.

    Here are some of his Yogi-isms:

    It aint over til its over.

    Its deja vu all over again.

    When you come to a fork in the road take it.

    I usually take a two hour nap from one to four.

    Never answer an anonymous letter.

    I didnt really say everything I said.

    I want to thank you for making this day necessary.

    Im not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did.

    We made too many wrong mistakes.

    He hits from both sides of the plate. Hes amphibious.

    You can observe a lot by watching.

    The future aint what it used to be.

    It gets late early out here.

    If the world were perfect, it wouldnt be.

    If the people dont want to come out to the ballpark,
    nobodys going to stop them.

    Pair up in threes.

    Why buy good luggage, you only use it when you travel.

    It aint the heat, its the humility.

    A nickel aint worth a dime anymore.
  2. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    "No one goes there anymore, its too crowded"

    Aaaaaw crap! The guy had a good run. God willing, we'll all make it to 90. RIP Yogi. Godspeed
  3. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    "Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded." RIP Yogi, you were truly one of the greatest.
  4. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    You need not be a baseball fan to be a Yogi fan. His one-liners, whether intentional or not, are classic. R.I.P. Yogi.
  5. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Yogi was the modern day confucious. RIP Wise Sir.
  6. Bogus919

    Bogus919 Silver Level contributor

    Nobody will ever again have 10 World Series rings, or even have the chance... he did play in 14 total!
  7. dynaflow

    dynaflow shiftless...

    X2...yeah, when you're old like me and had him around all your life, seem like it hurts a bit more...:ball:
  8. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    X2! As a Red Sox fan, I wasn't all that excited to see the Casey Stengel-coached Yankees clobber us every year, but I gotta hand it to my New York friends - the Damn Yankees were great! I remember watching the game when Don Larsen threw the perfect game. Yogi was catching. NYC has the Yankees, Boston has the Celtics and the Patriots. Fair is fair. 71 in a few weeks, and I like the Dynaflow!
  9. scubasteve455

    scubasteve455 Well-Known Member

    A real man! A mans man! And worshiped his Wife !
  10. stagetwo65

    stagetwo65 Wheelie King

    I saw him leaving a restaurant a year and a half ago but he was already on his way out the door when I saw him. I yelled "Have a good night Yogi!" and he turned and waved. A month later I saw him in the same restaurant and I went over to his table, tapped him on the shoulder, and I asked if I could shake his hand. He seemed pleased and amused by the attention and said "sure thing kid". I shook his hand, carefully because he was quite frail by then, and told him "Thanks Yogi".
    He must've gotten requests like that all the time but he still seemed to enjoy meeting me.
    When I heard he passed, I cried a little. I guess I got a little emotional because I'd gotten to meet him finally, after living my entire life the next town over from him and found him to be such a nice guy. RIP Yogi. You're back with Carmen now buddy.
  11. v8regalowner

    v8regalowner Silver level contributor

    my favorites are
    "we are lost but we're making good time" and "you better cut that pizza into 4 slice because i cant eat 6". what a loss. we would all be lucky to see half of what that man has in his life.

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