You just can't believe some people.

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by John Codman, Sep 20, 2017.

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  1. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    On one of the local TV station news programs this morning they ran a story that left me shaking my head. It seems that in Lee county a couple of schools will reopen after Irma because they were used as hurricane shelters, and the pigs who were dressed up as people simply trashed the buildings. They left trash just about everywhere except in the trash barrels, didn't clean up the dog poop, spread human waste on the bathroom walls, defaced student artwork in the corridors, and vandalized the "smartscreens" which are seriously expensive. It's going to take time and money to clean up/disinfect the buildings. The county provided safe shelter for these morons who lived in places where there shouldn't have been houses in the first place, then get rewarded by them trashing the place!
    Part 2 This should actually go under the heading of People of Wal-Mart, but it occurred in a Publix grocery store today. I was waiting at their deli to have a couple of subs made when a large 35-ish woman orders a tuna sub. The guy behind the counter points to a refrigerated cabinet less then 20 feet away and asks her politely if she would mind going over and bring him a package of tuna salad? His supply of tuna was gone. He would have had to walk more then 50 feet each way to get it as there was no nearby opening in the counter that he was behind. The she-cow gave him the dirtiest look that I have seen in a long time and slowly waddled off.
    Donuts & Peelouts and Smokey15 like this.
  2. UticaGeoff

    UticaGeoff Well-Known Member

  3. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Isn't it just wonderf'ingful how these shitheads show gratitude for being housed and fed. I hope that, if this happens again that they schools remain closed. Bunch of 'entitlement scumbags'.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
    300sbb_overkill likes this.
  4. superlark

    superlark Guest

    Yeah, sounds about right for a bunch of bratty jerks.
  5. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    This country has gone to hell. Everyone is entitled anymore, and those that aren't get trashed. Case in pointis the kid that wanted to mow the White House lawn. He has his own lawn moving business. Some talking head jumped up and down about violating the child labor laws. Kid sound like a go getter. He was saving his $ to buy a leaf blower to make money in the fall. I love this kid.
    GSST1, BYoung and Smokey15 like this.
  6. gs66

    gs66 Silver Level contributor

    That is ridiculous, but (sorry to say in this day and age) not that hard to believe. Pretty sad state of affairs.
  7. sriley531

    sriley531 Excommunicado

    Saw that Fred. That kids got a better work ethic at 10 than most adults anymore I think. My brother recently landed pretty decent a job at GE, his first ever full time job (just outta college). The HR person asked him repeatedly in the interview if he could pass a drug test to which he replied "absolutely". After the third or fourth time he inquired as to why they felt the need to ask more than once and was told that they were burning through applicants like fire crackers on the fourth of July because they were having a horrible time finding people that could get past the drug screening.

    And while I'm pi**in and moaning, here's the one I've enjoyed most this week. There was some snowflake screaming racism because of a decoration hobby lobby had that was raw cotton stalks. Why did I get such a kick out of it? My wife changes up the decor in our bay window regularly and just about a month ago this showed up. OH, THE HUMANITY!!!! Gimme a break....

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  8. superlark

    superlark Guest

  9. pbr400

    pbr400 68GS400

    I heard recently that all this 'pumpkin' stuff is racist-some professor actually studied, in depth, the dynamics of pumpkins coming from a white rural farm culture blah blah blah. I know quite a few people of color who'd think 'no, that's not. Burning crosses, calling people derogatory names, refusing them service, yeah.' Pumpkins? Cotton stalks? My state's who department of agriculture needs cultural retraining.
    Smokey15 and Waterboy like this.
  10. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    It's not a surprise.

    Right now in western societies there are more people on some form of social assistance then there are working. There are whole generations of people who have a sense of entitlement that is neither warranted or earned.

    The numbers will get even higher as the Snowflake generation with all of their phobias and maladies hit adulthood and begin to multiply. Maybe I should clarify that; - if they multiply; - it might be too gross for them and because their mom told them they might catch something they might avoid it. That and getting a job; I guess that's mom's problem now to considering how many moms are doing job interviews or intervening with employers on behalf of their spawn.

    At any rate, it's the downfall of the Roman Empire all over again; an entitled, pampered society that has lost its collective sense of direction and now dissolves into millions of narcissistic individuals who could give a damn about anything except their own; these are the people that are ruining it all. They have no respect for property or the value of anything because they've never had to earn something; - it was always been given to them. So now the civil response because of Irma is probably someone's fault; - so these poor misunderstood victims take it out on the "system", who didn't put them up in hotels or individual furnished suites and provide them with cars and spending cash. It's unfair to put these poor, misunderstood and frightened masses through the ordeal of a dormitory style accommodation . They deserve the same as what they have grown accustomed to, hell , there's a societal obligation to give them what they had, they're human beings, not animals; - houses, not some crappy school somewhere. How dare they...Not to mention, they're "stressed"; so allow them to take out their frustrations on public property; - they didn't have to pay for it anyway. And feeling grateful about being alive? Really? It don't mean squat to these people who believe it is owed to them by virtue that they're "special" and society has an obligation to help them. And if society doesn't, they'll make them take notice by trashing everything. It's their right.

    And the loony left-wing media just keeps fostering and perpetuating this kind of thinking; - any voice of moderation and reason is now considered "too radical" or "old Fashioned". George Orwell was right, the process is insidious, and the civilized portion of the masses will only realize what has happened when it's all too late to do anything about it.

    It's enough to make you weep...End rant...
  11. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

    My son, Scott, is in the National Guard. He was sent to Miami to work in a shelter. He came home with some interesting stories. The shelter was at a high school and held 1300 people. He said you wouldn't believe how many fat asses asked for seconds at every meal. He had to tell them they had enough food for 1300 people each meal. Only 1 serving for each person. Lots of grumbling! They brought NOTHING to the shelter! Then he was transferred to Key West. He said some restaurant owners whose businesses were torn apart were serving food out of their cooking trucks for FREE. Imagine your home and business is trashed, but they were still giving to the community. AWESOME!!! Guess what I got for a souvenir? The tattered, and I do mean ripped up, AMERICAN flag off of the Key West VFW. So very cool!!!!! He replaced their flag with a new one.
    On a different note.... Shawn, I brought cotton plants home at the end of one summer and put them in my classroom. I thought the kids would enjoy seeing where cotton comes from. A kid in my class asked me, "Is this to remind us that we were slaves?" OMG!!!! Really? I couldn't believe his comment. D.A.!!!! He's probably a basket collector at Walmart now. That's slavery.
    Mike B in SC and Smokey15 like this.
  12. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    John.. you should've treated them with a field trip to a watermelon or strawberry farm. :eek: ws
    Waterboy and Smokey15 like this.
  13. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Evolution does not necessarily reward intelligence.
    With no natural predators to thin the herd...
    it began to simply reward those who reproduced the most...
    and left the intelligent to become an endangered species

    Enough said!
  14. StagedCat

    StagedCat Platinum Level Contributor

    I can't believe how you people are talking about others!! You should be ashamed of yourselves, I will now clutch my pearls, roll my eyes and find a safe place with others like myself to meditate and color in my coloring book. If your goal was to get others upset and not be able to function the rest of the day.....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
    hwprouty, Waterboy and knucklebusted like this.
  15. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    We are subsidizing the wrong end of the gene pool. We are letting the sheep breed us out of house and home while the rest of us have to work to feed these useless grazers that will turn on you the first time they miss a meal.
    Gallagher, Waterboy and Smokey15 like this.
  16. Smokey15

    Smokey15 So old that I use AARP bolts.

    Well stated, Marc. That should be published...................except the liberal media can't print the truth.
  17. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Theres that gene pool reference again LOL... ws
    Waterboy likes this.
  18. John Codman

    John Codman Platinum Level Contributor

    Not wanting to inflame any passions, but my source of information for the trashing of the schools by these "refugees" was the local liberal media (CBS, not Fox).
    Smokey15 likes this.
  19. 300sbb_overkill

    300sbb_overkill WWG1WGA. MAGA

    This is by design from terror so the sheep can be lead to slaughter easier when the war on freedom gets to the point of a physical and literal conflict.

    If the country has to depend on these Millennials to fight any kind of conflict this country is DOOMED!!!
    Gallagher, Smokey15 and Waterboy like this.
  20. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Im ready....bring it
    rmstg2, Gallagher and Waterboy like this.
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