You just can't help some people

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Greg B, Jan 16, 2003.

  1. Greg B

    Greg B Well-Known Member

    My wife asked me to run to the grocery store to pick up a couple things. As I'm walking through the parking lot, I see a heavy-set woman in a handicap spot cry out in pain.

    I run over and she says she's having trouble breathing and has a sharp pain in her side. I help her into her car which she starts to warm up.

    Then I put her groceries in the car while suggesting that she call family, friends, etc. She's still in pain, so I call 911. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, I see her struggling to get something out of the glove box so I walk over to the passenger side and open the door. She asks me to hand her a pack of matches while she's holding a box of smokes. I tell her I don't think its a good idea while gathering about 6 packs of matches.

    Then I stick them in my pocket and she gets all indignant. "You can't do that!"

    "Tell it to the cops, they should be here shortly."

    She proceeds to find a lighter and light up. I'm not going to forcibly remove the cigarette from her hand but she does hand me the box.

    A patrol car arrives and I hand the smokes, matches and lighter to the cop and tell him, "You just can't save some people from themselves." He laughs and puts everything on the trunk.

    The ambulance arrives and I go shopping. Upon coming out, they have her in the back and are taking her to the hospital.

    Some people.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  2. mygrain

    mygrain quivering member

    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  3. There are many long time smokers dying of lung cancer, but they continue to light up to the end...
  4. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    At least you tried to do something.

    That speaks volumes by itself :TU:
  5. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I used to be a cart pusher at HQ/Hechinger/Builder Square (now bankrupt) and there was a guy that would come in and ask for someone to push him around in a wheelchair to shop. Well, the goonie cart pusher had to do it. Fine.....

    This guy weighed at least 300 lbs and couldnt breathe for anything...and he REAKED of smoke. If I hadn't seen him for myself, I'd think he was on fire by the smell. It was awful. Sometimes I just don't get why poeple do it. I guess I could apply this to my horrid spending habits on cars.

    Oh well.:Do No:
  6. Greg B

    Greg B Well-Known Member

    That reminds me of one further detail - she used one of the courtesy electric scooters to get around the store as well.
    Pornstars vid
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  7. Greg Schmelzer

    Greg Schmelzer What are you looking at?!


    Thank God that you never started. I wish I never had when I joined the AF, but when they say "Smoke 'em if you got 'em" and you don't got 'em, then you get to have more of the basic training fun. first thing I did was go and buy a pack of smokes. That was 17 years ago. i am on the wagon 95% of the time now, but most of my friends and a full 75% of the people I work with smoke. It is an addiction like no other. I'm getting better every day though. I don't want to end up draining my daughter's inheritance, not that there is much left after this year, just because I had to have one last smoke. Sixteen days and about 5 smokes. It's a good thing I am the boss at work! Gives me an excuse to be an a$$hole. But I know it is because I want a smoke, not need one. Wish I could have figured that out about 17 years ago. Now I have to tell my daughter how wrong it is to smoke. I know she is lighting up, too, and only 15 yrs old. I thought that the way I sounded in the am would be enough reason for her to never start, but then again, my pop smoked like a house on fire and I still got stupid. But, I am going to beat this thing. :TU: Even if it kills me and a few select people around me!:af: :laugh:
  8. gstewart

    gstewart Well-Known Member


    last year i was at my doctor's office for an appointment . a lady that i have seen in the past, in a wheelchair, was waiting when i arrived . she was hooked up to a portable oxygen tank , constantly . well 15 minutes after my arrival, she turns in her wheelchair & exits the office . i happened to glance out the window & guess what ? there she is , her O2 tank lines removed from her nose & she is puffing on a cigarette ! she just lost all my sympathy.
    a good friend of my dad, needs heart bypass or heart stents .
    he has smoked at least 50 years . his cardio surgeon , like most others in ontario, canada, has told doug that he will not treat him until he quits smoking!! doug will not quit ! the nicotine has him completely addicted . i guess when the bury him , the undertaker should stick a ciggy in his mouth & a pack in his shirt pocket .
    it is so sad..
    72 gs 350 ht #s
  9. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    I quit smoking about a year and a half ago. I told my wife I had saved X dollars for use by not smoking. About a month later I found a GS (my First GS) For $1000 my wife told me to buy it for a quiting smoking present. Not smoking has it's perks more parts money for the other obsession.
  10. hfc0152

    hfc0152 Ops Guy

    My grandmother, who passed away about 9 years ago, was a 2 pack per day smoker for 70 years or thereabouts. Started when she was 18 and just never stopped. I remember growing up complaining to my parents when she would hug me or kiss me that she smelled funny (neither of my parents smoke). As I got older I begged her to stop so she could be around to see me get married and even meet her great grandchildren. She just couldn't do it. At 88 years old, 6 months before I got married, she broker her hip and ended up in the hospital. Visited her every day. The doctor told me at one point she had the heart and mind of a 45-50 year old, but the lungs of someone who was 130 years old. Every time she would cough I was afraid it was going to be her last breath. One day it was. She went cold turkey when she was admitted to the hospital, but it was too late. She died because she had so much tar in her lungs that there was no room left for any oxygen. Her body needed the O2 to help heal itself, and she couldn't get enough. She just stopped breathing. She was the smartest/strongest willed person I ever knew, except when it came to smoking. She just couldn't quite. Sometimes it doesn't matter who you are or what you do.
  11. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Addiction doesn't listen to logic.
    That nicotine is truly the devil!
    I made a committment to myself to quit last October.
    I must admit I have slipped a few times. Especially during the holidays, but have done well since.
    When I have lit one I feel pretty lousy about myself and think it tastes like you know what.
    I've found it true what they say about it.
    It's one of the hardest drugs to break the habit.

    OUTRAGEOUS Well-Known Member

    Read this one

    A local nursing home facility went smoke free in 2002. One of the residents is a smoker, is dying of bone cancer & other respitory ailments. Since the facility went to non- smoking, she sued. She & her attorney felt that she should be Grandfathered in in since she was a patient before the change. SIT DOWN FOR THIS! The lousy, stinking judge favored her. The judge felt that she was so addicted,it would be worse for her if she quit. ( the lady was terminal anyways) Meanwhile, the facility must provide her a smoking area that is ventilated, & provide someone to supervise her to (4) 4 minute smoke breaks per day. Yes , this lady is on O2 also. :blast: :blast: judge & attorney:stmad: :stmad: What is this world coming too anyways:stmad: :stmad: Randy
  13. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    I have the utmost respect for anyone who quits smoking, or even tries. Both my parents smoke and my sister also hopped on the band wagon when she was in middle school...:Dou:

    My sister is currently stepping off the wagon and she is doing a great job quitting, but I can't get my parents to listen to me. It's embarassing sometimes to bring my friends over to the house because it smells like smoke. I'd rather go to a least smoking is expected there and I'm not embarassed if we walk out smelling like a bar.

    If there was one thing in the world I would get rid of, it'd be cigarettes.
  14. Shortymac83

    Shortymac83 Not Your Father's Olds!

    I smoked for a year and a half and had to quit in the winters. It's pretty bad and I've only slipped twice. I know now why there are riots when prisons take away cigarettes.
  15. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    I live in FL and we recently passed legislation Mandating that All establishments must be NON Smoking... the only exception were bars and bowling alleys... but if its a Food serving bar the area that serves the food must be seperate (divided by a wall) from the bar area. Not sure about the bowling alleys, but should be the same. Its gonna be nice not haveing to sit in a smoke filled restaurant:grin: :grin:
  16. Smartin

    Smartin Guest

    that would be nice not to have to sit next to a smoke stack when eating food.

    I am curious what places like applebees and ruby tuesday have to do when that happens. I guess they jsut haveto make the whole place non smoking? There are no walls between the bar and the seating areas.
  17. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    If it is a bar and restaurant then there has to be a divider... so If Applebees and Benigans and Outback put up a wall around the bar they could keep it smoking but for now.... NO SMOKING...:TU:

    Actually they have till July 3rd to comply but most buisnesses have already started... lady at the Outback didn't ask smoking or non last Sat when we were there and I didn't see any smokers:) :) :)

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