You know that you've left your car sitting outside too long . . . when!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by elagache, Sep 16, 2017.

  1. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear V-8 Buick fans with a sense of automotive humor,

    I frequently walk in front of this car. It clearly hasn't moved in quite a while. However, this morning there was clearly something new:


    The vines to the left had already managed to attach themselves to the windshield wipers and were starting to move into the engine bay. The vine on the right will soon attach itself to the side-view mirror. If the owner doesn't move this car soon - it will instead become a trellis for vines! [​IMG]

    Enjoy!! Edouard :)
  2. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

  3. BYoung

    BYoung Stage me

    Someone may need to check on the owner. He/She may be covered with vines too.

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    FINE! TAKE IT!!!!
    bhambulldog likes this.
  5. yachtsmanbill

    yachtsmanbill Well-Known Member

    Fritzenheimer... been missing you! Are things OK down there? ws

    STAGE III Lost Experimental 455-4 Bolt Main Block.

    Billlingsly! Had a few real rough patches lately,but still alive and kickin! : )
    How you been doing?
  7. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear V-8 Buick owners who enjoy automobiles decorated with vines,

    Yesterday morning the vines were still continuing their conquest of this car. Alas, during the afternoon the car owner apparently became aware of this attempted takeover and prompted removed all the vines. So sorry, there won't be a follow-up photo the automobile trellis further evolving.

    Cheers, Edouard

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