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Discussion in 'Tomahawk Block Registry' started by Julian, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. Julian

    Julian Well-Known Member


    Attached Files:

  2. Stage 2 iron

    Stage 2 iron Platinum Level Contributor

    Nice now get her done and in the car
    Julian likes this.
  3. Julian

    Julian Well-Known Member

    It's a Buick.. you know how long they take???
    Donuts & Peelouts likes this.
  4. Stage 2 iron

    Stage 2 iron Platinum Level Contributor

  5. Stage 2 iron

    Stage 2 iron Platinum Level Contributor

    Going to be one HELL of a ride in the end.
    Donuts & Peelouts and Julian like this.
  6. Julian

    Julian Well-Known Member

    That was the ongoing joke in the pits at Bowling Green.... What is the average time to build a Buick engine? Lol
  7. Bens99gtp

    Bens99gtp Well-Known Member

    That's a nice delivery there
    Julian likes this.
  8. TABuickMike

    TABuickMike Michael Tomaszewski Jr

    Depends on what's required. We've done a few engines recently that were turned around in a couple months. Biggest hold ups were usually waiting on parts like pistons or a crankshaft or special machine work like installing a girdle.
    Julian likes this.
  9. Julian

    Julian Well-Known Member

    I'd love an 8 stack manifold with EFI!!! Hint!
  10. 2stg14spds

    2stg14spds Well-Known Member

    Congrats on your new block personally didn't mind the waiting excitement of actually getting it done and to the track was worth it. good luck with your build
    Julian likes this.
  11. Julian

    Julian Well-Known Member

    Thanks! The key us patience on my part.
    Next step are the heads
  12. thebuick

    thebuick Well-Known Member

    bad to the bone

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