1965 Buick Skylark: I am Installing Sequential LED Tail Lights

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by 1989GTA, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. J Boyk

    J Boyk New Member

    Briz, I'm new to v8buick.com, but I have been following this engineering and install with great interest. I have a '65 Skylark with suspect tail lights and turn signals. You mentioned that you knew of a Skylark setup for LED tail lights/ turn signals, and that you put a similar unit in your Riv. Is this a LED strip board setup as opposed to the LED bulb setup? I don't necessarily need the Sequential aspects of the United Pacific harness modified. Can you make a recommendation based on your experience?
  2. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    This company had boards for the 70 - 72 A body cars. https://digi-tails.com/

    This company has a kit I used on the Riv and uses plug in bulbs with a digital flasher relay http://www.mustangproject.com/ProductDisplay.aspx?ID=43ac026a-7a20-459f-bd09-266ed8355e33
  3. J Boyk

    J Boyk New Member

  4. Henry Swede

    Henry Swede Member

  5. markrieb

    markrieb Active Member

    Still in the middle of rewiring the whole car, but here is a picture of them lit up. You'll have to wait another weekend or two for me to get the wiring done to get a video of the sequential turn signal.

    Attached Files:

    Briz likes this.

    BRUCE ROE Well-Known Member

    I thought the side turning on for BRAKE should not be sequential at all,
    3 lights come on at once? The 68 used a motor driving mechanical
    switches. Bruce Roe
  7. B-rock

    B-rock Well-Known Member

    DO the LED's light up red or white? This is a great system! I always hated how the factory bulbs grounded. and sometimes half way fall out. Then a very nice looking car has a stupid looking light out. Always a personal pet peeve of mine.
  8. markrieb

    markrieb Active Member

  9. 12lives

    12lives Control the controllable, let the rest go

    Nice! How does it look when the brakes lights are on? Does the flashing side just flash while the other side is solid?
  10. markrieb

    markrieb Active Member

    You are correct, one side flashes while the other is bright/solid
  11. Henry Swede

    Henry Swede Member

    Hello again ,it’s been a while.I was not satisfyed with the United Pacific sekvential tail light,especialy the parkinglight,was almost impossible to see them in daylight.
    So i d bought ledlight from Digi Tails.Took them almost 6 weeks to deliwer to Sweden.They said they had problem because of Covid19.
    Yesterday i did the wiring,very easy to do and heres how they look in the trunk.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Aug 25, 2020
    Mark Demko likes this.
  12. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    Nobody will see them in the trunk tho:D:D:D:D:D
    Just teasing:p
    Henry Swede likes this.
  13. Henry Swede

    Henry Swede Member

    Ha ha good point
    Mark Demko likes this.
  14. Henry Swede

    Henry Swede Member

  15. Henry Swede

    Henry Swede Member

  16. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    i have an eight bulb (four on each side) sequential lights set up, they work with the original bulbs and flash much slower
    the speed of your lights in the video is a little bit "too nervous" imho
    Henry Swede likes this.
  17. Zedo

    Zedo Member


    RUBBERRODDER Active Member

    I too am doing an update on my sequential taillights. I had the same problem of them flashing too fast. The outside bulb would barely have time to even flicker with the slowest thermal flasher I could find. I found my sockets were so corroded that none of the bulbs would come out. I found near perfect replacements at Napa! Echlinn Part number 787113. I had purchased the sequencers from M & M Electronics. I found them at http://mustangtaillightsequencers.com/ . I did have to fabricate new wiring harnesses and redo the wires in the trunk. I ordered the Scott Drake unit flasher and it should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. I hope I get the same results as you guys.

    RUBBERRODDER Active Member

    Okay ! I got the Scott Drake flasher, the sequencers, and the new sockets wired in. I know its been 8 months since the installation, but, I wanted to get it all sorted out and make sure it was reliable. IT IS!! My taillights look just like the posted videos above!
    bostoncat68 and Henry Swede like this.

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