1967 Buick California GS 340 - $7900

Discussion in 'Cars for sale' started by 67buickva, Dec 28, 2005.

  1. 67buickva

    67buickva Evil Kitty

  2. ragtops

    ragtops Gold Level Contributor

    I have this car bought, pending yet to come pictures of all minor bad points, which really aren't much at all.
    SO, if anyone has information about these cars, these "Californig" GS cars, that may reflect their value, OR lack of value, Please tell me now, before I make this big plunge.
  3. CrazyDane

    CrazyDane Active Member

    67 GS California

    Hello, I have many pictures of this car which I was very interested in back in September.The doors are bad. There's a little "something" in the frame also. I have photos from underneath the car, I will send you copies if you like.
    At that time it was cheaper, $6000. It has been on ebay a couple of times. Yes, it seems like a nice car and if you are not afraid to do some work with the doors and take a chance that the frame can be repaired without a "frame off action" (or whatever it is called) the rest seems OK.
    The milage is 150.000, by the way. I had this information from the person that owned it back then. Later on ebay it said that the milage was 50.000!
    The reason I didn't buy it is that I am so far away and didn't know any that could inspect the car for me.

    Happy new year from Jette
  4. ragtops

    ragtops Gold Level Contributor

    Thanks, And Yes please send the pictures and any imformation you have.

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