1967 quarter panels

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by 67blue_sky, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. 67blue_sky

    67blue_sky Member

    I'm currently in the process of completely going through my Skylark. Back in 91 when I went through the car the first time, there were not any options for a quarter panel replacement in my car, so I got creative and cut out all of the rust and fiberglassed the bottom 10 inches of the quarter panels and around the rear wheel wells. It's lasted pretty good for almost 20 years, but I need to redo it again. The inner fender wells are solid, but I still can't find anybody that makes a reproduction of the quarter panel. I'm not sure if I should redo the 'glass or have a body shop give me a quote on repairing although I'm sure it will be cubic dollars.... Any thoughts??
  2. TODD'S 67

    TODD'S 67 Time for another Buick!

    Probably have to find a donor car or make your own metal patch panels.
  3. 67blue_sky

    67blue_sky Member

    I think that I could make a patch panel for the rear, its the wheel wells that concern me.... :Do No:
  4. cut patches for the rear wheel lip from old front fenders. they have the same basic lip and rusty versions are usually dirt cheap.

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