1976 Estate Wagon in Alberta

Discussion in 'Cars and Parts For Sale Leads' started by Snowbound, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. Snowbound

    Snowbound Well-Known Member

    Hi guys,

    There is a fairly nice old '76 Estate Wagon just up the road from me. It's on Hwy 2A just north of Lacombe on the Ponoka exit. First place on the west side of the highway. I can get the phone number off of it if anybody wants it. Asking price is $1700. He said the car was used in a kids movie filmed in Calgary a while ago.

    It's a pale yellow colour with woodgrain panelling and a saddle vinyl roof. Some rust around the rear wheels and spare tire well. Bubbling under the vinyl roof also. The interior is fairly nice (tan cloth) and it's pretty well loaded, AC, PW, etc. Car has chrome rallyes also. 455 of course.

    Looks pretty sharp from 30 feet! I was driving past in the '66 and tried to do a quick stop at the next approach and just about put it in the weeds. I forgot how poorly these drum brake cars stop! :error:


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