455 Block needed

Discussion in 'Parts wanted' started by wormwood, Nov 21, 2023.

  1. wormwood

    wormwood Dare to be different

    In need of a 455 block, and crank. rods too, but not as important. any year works. im in the pacific northwest and im willing to take a day trip
  2. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    If only you were closer to ND. I have 7 complete motors.
  3. wormwood

    wormwood Dare to be different

    I'd be ok of you want to deliver it;)
    ynotbuick likes this.
  4. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor

    I have a block, but it measured a bit thin on one cylinder. No crank tho I do have set of original pistons and rods. Plus a set of standard heads.

    The block and heads have been cleaned and mag checked if I remember right.

    I'm in Boring, Oregon, not too far from Kalama. You can have the whole pile for $250

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