69 riviera power antenna

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Tshortnacy, Feb 16, 2014.

  1. Tshortnacy

    Tshortnacy New Member


    The nylon cable inside the mast of my antenna is broken so I need to get the antenna out! Can someone more knowledgeable than me help me out?! From what I have read so far, I believe I will have to take the fender off in order to get to it, or the inner fender at a minimum:( I don't want to have to do this if there is a better way! Thanks for the help!
  2. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    You dont have to take the fender off. You do have to be a bit of a contortionist though. The bolt that holds it in can be removed from the outside of the R wheel well. Then you can reach in below the R hood hinge and lift it out. Unplug the power wire and unscrew the antenna wire. Good to go.
  3. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    . . . exactly what Steve sez , no need to pull the fender, or inner fender !!

    The hardest part of the whole job is removing that 'U' shaped spring steel grounding clip at the top of the antenna housing, (...similar to the clips that hold the 'door lock' cylinders in).
    In addition to providing a 'chassis' ground for the antenna housing at the top of the fender, it also locks the top of the antenna mast mount chrome bezel to the fender opening.
    Accessing the little pull tab to extract it can be a bit of a bear, as well as reinstalling it, due to the limited access space, and they are usually prone to rusting !! :TU:
  4. Briz

    Briz Founders Club Member

    I did not have to remove that to get the antenna out. I did remove it to paint the car. I fought with that clip for over an hour trying to get the bezel back in place. Finally a dab of JB weld to the underside and it was on there never to come off again.
  5. Rivman

    Rivman Senior Ottawa Buick Guy

    I hear yah Steve - you only need to pull that clip if your removing the bezel - the antenna housing will drop down and out without removing the bezel.
    I replaced my old, pitted, weathered bezel with a shiny new chrome NOS unit after painting, and ended up fighting, fiddling and farting in cramped quarters with that spring steel grounding clip.:af:

    . . . mine is never coming off again neither !! LOL :laugh:

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