70 - 72 BUICK Skylark license lamp lens

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by V8Sky, Aug 29, 2007.

  1. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone know if any company repros 70 - 72 BUICK Skylark license lamp lens?
  2. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

  3. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Hi Frank,
    Yes, I do need one - I noticed my license plate bulb was out and when I went to change it I saw that my lens has a huge crack in it. I actually put in a bid on that lens on ebay but dropped out as the price got way too high. Let me know what you want for yours plus shipping and I will send you payment tomorrow - Paypal or money order - your choice. Just PM me the details and thanks for offering me the lens.
  4. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    Chris .....I have 2 still in package still ...but let me find them first ...
    I haven't seen em in a few years ...

    I will check tonight ....pm you tomorrow

    I originally bought them way back for a couple of cutlasses I use to own ..but ended up selling
    they are the same I am pretty sure...
  5. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Thanks for looking Frank - I certainly appreciate it.
  6. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    You can buy them new from any Chevelle supplier for $4-5
  7. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive

    Chris ....I have em still in package ...

    but as George says ...if you can pop em for $4-$5 thats fine ...I think I paid $12 each for em years ago ....let me know
  8. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Hi Frank,
    Yeah, I checked with Year One and was able to get both the lens and gasket for $10. Thank you anyway for looking for me.

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