70-72 marker lights

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by 8587GN, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. 8587GN

    8587GN Well-Known Member

    seeing these go for over $200 a piece,Is anyone going to be repoping these in the near future? I have the two easier ones to find,but $220 for the one on Ebay,and theres still an hour left on it:Do No:
  2. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    Hey Keith,

    My highest was $220.00 and that's it! I guess I'll have to go elsewhere for this one...

    Like you, I have the other three. I scored this back in October, simply because it was listed wrong...

    I knew the one you're the high bidder on wasn't going to slip past the radar, not this time...
  3. r72gs

    r72gs Another project........

  4. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Guest

    Good Idea!!

    Recycling parts.....Duane would be proud...:Brow: :Brow:

    Please post some before and after pics...I'm interested to see how they come out...:TU:
  5. Duane

    Duane Member

    I am proud of Karl. I printed out his method and plan on using it on a set of fronts next spring. I have all the rears I need. It would be nice to have a "Cheap" set of extras.
  6. r72gs

    r72gs Another project........

    I'm going to send one this week to get an estimate, if thats in line with the figure I was quoted I'll have it done, and see how it comes out. I'll keep you posted.

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