70 Grille ?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by 70Custom, Dec 18, 2003.

  1. 70Custom

    70Custom Well-Known Member

    Does the bumper have to be removed in oreder to remove the grille on a 70 skylark/GS? Or is there a trick that I don't know of? If I break my grille replacing the motor I will be even more upset that when I got the car.
  2. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    I believe 70 and 72 the grille comes out with the removed. I know 71 is doable with the bumper on because I just did it.

    Pulling the bumper on an A body should be a cinch. I've dropped my bazillion pound 69 Riv bumper a few times solo. I used an hydraulic jack to balance it on while doing it.
  3. ebax049

    ebax049 1970 GSX Stage 1


    Yes you have to drop the Bumper or at least loosen the bumper bolts to take out the grill. I know its extra work but its better than cracking your grill.

  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    No you do not. I have done it many time on several 70 GS cars.

    You may want to droop the bumper a bit by lossening the attachment bolts. Then lay plastic along the bumper for protection. I use a commercial grade plastic bag. You can pull it out afterwards even if it tears . Lubricate the ends of the grille studs be cause they will bind. You will have to tilt the grille forward at first.

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