Anyone live in an apartment?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Tomsriv, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. Tomsriv

    Tomsriv Well-Known Member

    I'm moving to an apartment and they have a rule about "no vehicle maintenance". I'm not sure exactly what that means. If they bust me for checking my oil or the tire pressure I am going to be irate. How is anyone supposed to save money if they have to pay someone to work on their car. They won't even let me wash or vacuum my car!

    Luckily I only live 5 mins from my parents house, but I was hoping that this move out would give me more freedom instead of this extra dependance.

    Do any of you have horror stories about landlords?
  2. 73Electra 225

    73Electra 225 Well-Known Member

    I don't think I could ever live in a place that wouldn't let me work on my car. I can't imagine them getting on you for oil and tire checks, though.
  3. JTY

    JTY 1969 Buick Skylark

    No horror stories here. The apartment complex I use to live at had the same policy, although they never enforced it.
  4. Madcat455

    Madcat455 Need..more... AMMO!!!

    I used to live in two separate complexes that had that policy, One never enforced it.... I put an exhaust system on in a corner of that parking lot. The other went to far the other way, They would complain if I had to Jump start the car:blast: :blast: .... So, In the last month of my lease... I swapped the tranny in my wifes car right in the front row of the parking lot... Left the car on jack stands for three days out of spite:grin: :grin: :Brow:

    Actually, We got so fed up with renting that we built our house.... heck, thats only costing about 100@month more than the Crappy apt.:eek2: (would've been cheaper if we had build a smaller house) Now I have no probs with any work, loud neighbors, break ins...etc.:TU:

    Good luck, You won't know how they enforce it until you do something to the car:beer
  5. I've lived in two apartment complexes, and each one didn't seem to care if the hood was popped. I think these rules are put in place so there is not a car on jackstands for four days, etc. I'm sure tires can be changed, fluids can be checked, interior can be cleaned. Just nothing that might pose them an EPA liability (changing your oil, coolant flush). It's best to check with the apartment manager or leasing agent and get a scope of the rule. If you already know you would like to do something outside of the scope of the rule, like change a tranny, you should get written permission from the leasing agent in case they "forget" down the road.

    Edit: (I was writing my post while Jeff was writing and posting his. Nothing at my post was directed toward him. Funny how we both hit on jackstands and transmissions).
  6. tlivingd


    haha... i rember having my differental case wide open and my the rear of the car 2-3 ft off the ground (park on a hill kinda) and the landlord showing up and sayin "you going to be done with that today?" with a real nervous look on his face.


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