Armed Citizen stops mass Mall shooting.....

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Topcat, Jul 17, 2022.

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  1. john.schaefer77

    john.schaefer77 Well-Known Member

    We are citizens, they are subjects
    BYoung and 446379H like this.
  2. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    My wife & I's personal safety is my responsibility and others' opinions mean nothing to me.
    We live in a very dangerous time and it's getting worse every day!
    It is a basic human right to defend one's self!....good ole common sense and is quite logical (Spock)
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    Exactly, I seem to recall we had a difference of opinion about "freedoms" with England around April 1775.....
    446379H, mbryson, GKMoz and 1 other person like this.
  4. john.schaefer77

    john.schaefer77 Well-Known Member

    I'll follow when politicians come out of their estates behind the immoral walls and disarm their tax payer provided security and give them single shot .22's.

    I always wonder by these politicians place so little importance to the average citizen and so much on themselves.
    Ken Mild, mbryson and Waterboy like this.

    BUICKRAT Got any treats?

    Steve, yer blaming the gun, not the killers.
    BYoung, 446379H, Mart and 2 others like this.
  6. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    This is very true. We've had the right to defend ourselves before this country was founded. That's why it cant be taken away.

    The police are not responsible for your personal safety. The police are not even obligated to even show up if you call 911. The Supreme Court has reaffirmed this over and over again

    See- DeShaney vs. Winnebago and Town of Castle Rock vs. Gonzales
    john.schaefer77 likes this.
  7. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    See also Warren v DC....another interesting decision
  8. 66electrafied

    66electrafied Just tossing in my nickel's worth

    First off; - the ban and buyback plan; - didn't really work. Very few legal gun owners up here had them. A few collectors had to get rid of them or move their collections to the US, but otherwise it was a non-starter here. The illegal gun owners all have them, and if I have enough cash, I can still go downtown and pick one up.

    Second; - New Zealand is an incredibly closed society. There are no indigenous gun manufacturers there. All the guns in New Zealand have to come from somewhere overseas. And, like here and in Australia, there's really no demand for that sort of thing. Percentage wise, the amount of gun collectors in any one of those countries, and in most industrialized countries except the US is minuscule. It's just too much paperwork and bureaucratic red tape to go through to get one. So the resale market just isn't there.

    Third; Yes, while Canada has some of the most restrictive gun rules in the world, no one really enforces them. Automatics and assault rifles have been banned for decades. Concealed weapons have been banned for just about as long. This current government is just doing what it does best, importing a US crisis and trying to make like the same lawlessness exists here for political brownie points and to pass other more onerous laws hidden in gun control packages. We do have a thriving gun market up here, it's mostly sportsmen and farmers who need or want guns. In Alberta here, most everyone has grown up knowing or using a long gun. Up until about 20 years ago, most pick up trucks had legal gun racks in them. Yet we don't get a school shot up every week, - so why the difference?

    The sad thing is, gun control only works when the criminals decide to obey the laws. The US has a bigger problem with the criminal element than we do, - in fact it's considered "cool" and people are taught to believe they are "free" if they are completely anti-establishment. The other key is education, we all have guns up here but we don't even have half the percentage of gun related incidents as you do in the US. Why? A number of factors, the biggest being that everyone who wants to own a gun legally has to take a course and apply for a license to own one. There are a lot of other factors, many of which are literal "elephants in the room" that people can't openly discuss anymore without being called racist, anti-inclusion or whatever other bad name the loony left has come up with recently. All of that stems around socio-economic factors and education or the lack of it. The US has far more of those types of problems than either Canada or New Zealand does; and has never addressed them, and now won't, because it's all politically incorrect and no one wants to talk about it.

    The US is one of the very few countries that has a ton of gun collectors and the gun culture is completely ingrained in their culture. It's almost a rite of passage for children in the US to get access or have access to some form of gun or whatever, it certainly isn't up here. And it isn't anywhere else, except in countries where war and and civil strife are endemic. Yet, as stated before, a lot of people have guns up here, but it's usually a long gun or two, not many people I know have pistols or can carry concealed weapons. It's a bit inconvenient to wander around with your 308 or whatever. And assault weapons are reserved only for the criminals, even the cops and the army don't have them.

    When assault rifles or illegal weapons get seized up here by law enforcement, they are destroyed, they don't wind up back on the street again. I'm sure that happens in the US too, but as long as there are companies still making them and a demand for it, they'll continue to turn up. You guys have to figure out how to stop the demand.

    An enforceable gun law is only one step; but it won't work if the population isn't ready to accept or abide by those laws. The US is no where near that kind of thing, even with a school shooting every few weeks or so. The political will just isn't there, and it won't be until people are educated that guns are only good for hunting game and not to be used to settle personal disputes. And that has to start with Hollywood dumping the "righteous lone-wolf good guy who shoots up all the baddies and gets the girl and doesn't wind up in jail" model. Education and time is key to any social engineering project.
    BYoung and 1969RIVI like this.
  9. sean Buick 76

    sean Buick 76 Buick Nut

    Having 30 plus million illegals running around couldnt help the cause.
    Ken Mild, 446379H and knucklebusted like this.
  10. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    My understanding is an AR 15 is no ordinary rifle. It is modeled after a weapon of war. The ammo it uses are designed to cause the maximum amount of damage. If you get shot by one, you don't just get a simple "tunnel" wound. The bullet tumbles after impact to cause maximum damage. When a person gets multiple AR 15 wounds, its common for the body to be unidentifiable.
  11. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    An AR is as much a weapon of war as a Hummer is a military vehicle

    A 223 or a 5.56 NATO is a full metal jacket. Meant to go through you as per the Geneva convention.

    A jacketed hollow point from a hand gun does far more damage. The bullet opens up like petals of a flower and stops inside the body causing maximum damage. They're called "defensive rounds"
  12. john.schaefer77

    john.schaefer77 Well-Known Member

    The AR15 came available to the public before the military got the M16.

    Unidentifiable? Where does this info come from?
    mbryson and Mike B in SC like this.
  13. Mart

    Mart Gold level member

    Mesh backpacks are a laugh.
    Handguns go in waistband.
    446379H likes this.
  14. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The amount of misinformation floating around is mind boggling.

    Eugene Stoner designed the AR-15 when he worked at Armalite. The original manufacturer
    mbryson and Mike B in SC like this.
  15. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    So whats your point? Does it make it OK that other guns can be made to do the same kind of damage? I would say hollow points should be illegal too.
  16. Brad Conley

    Brad Conley RIP Staff Member

    Magazine's Steve. Magazine's. At least get the name correct...
  17. hwprouty

    hwprouty Platinum Level Contributor

    Kinda like a 9mm 'that'll take a lung right outta the body'
    Walter your comment is so wrong.
    I've tried to stay outta this one, but had to jump in here.
    Carry on, I cant type one handed for long, shoulder surgery sucks!
  18. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    Go reasearch articles that talk about children that were murdered by an AR user. Theres plenty of examples of that in the US.
  19. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    My point is that most pistol ammo is far more deadlier than a .22 caliber fmj round

    Ever notice when the media resorts on a shooting, they always preface the term rifle with "high powered" for the extra scare factor further drumming up the hysteria....
    GKMoz and mbryson like this.
  20. wkillgs

    wkillgs Gold Level Contributor

    Hollow points are desired in a situation where a standard bullet could pierce the intended target, and then continue into another (innocent) person or go through a wall and injure others.
    I believe in some cases hollow points are required over std bullets?
    Yes, they do cause more damage, that isn't their sole purpose.
    Guy Parquette likes this.
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