bolt/fasteners kit

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by MullyClu, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. MullyClu

    MullyClu Well-Known Member

    I know this has been mentioned before, but it there a bolt kit(for body)for a 1970 GS? It seems like there are master kits for chevys, fords, etc.
    AMK Products does not list Buick and while Mr.G's does, he does not list 1970 in some of his packages, ie 71-72. To be sure,someone has been here before.
    Instead of cleaning every bolt/screw, it would nice to has sort sort of guide like,.... you need ( #) bolts #_ _ _ _ _ for say front fenders,etc.and so forth.
    I have not looked in my body assembly guide yet, but ordered AMK catalog.
  2. thepartsman

    thepartsman Back Ordered Again ?

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