Bowling Green Traffic Pattern Updates!

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by knucklebusted, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    EDIT: More 3-lane than I remembered.

    The 31-W Bypass from the Walgreens/Taco Bell north, all the way to Harbor Freight and Taco Bell/Walgreens south, all the way to the WKU roundabout is no longer 4 lanes. They decided to make it 3 lanes (N, S and turning lanes) with a bike lane. Never seen a bike yet but they did it none the less.

    Take that into account when planning your route to/from the track. Here's a google maps street view.,-86.4393727,3a,75y,68.05h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sipyXbUj1WcJNlUpIkjzamQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

    On the plus side, a lot of the tornado damage has been cleaned up and rebuilt.
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2024
  2. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the heads up. Won't be going that way for sure.
    knucklebusted likes this.
  3. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    It's actually not bad when it isn't bumper to bumper. I don't feel like I'm dodging phone poles on the passenger side but I still avoid it 7-8:30AM, noon and 4-5:30PM.
  4. newmexguy

    newmexguy Well-Known Member

    It's called a "road diet". The powers that be, meaning current "engineers" and "planners" have fanciful ideas that all this bicycle traffic will suddenly appear. In actuality, the modern reality of "drive up" windows, and instant convienences mean that most will never leave the cocoons of their modern vehicles. That corridor really should have been opened up into a five lane cross section, with a center turn lane.
    knucklebusted likes this.
  5. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    100% agree it should be like Scottsville Rd, but I guess this was the lazy way out without moving utility poles that are literally between the road and the sidewalk.
  6. gsfred

    gsfred Founders Club Member

    They believe the saying "If You Build It Thy Will Come" They did the same thing to the local roadway here in FL. Most Cyclists stay on the sidewalk cause it's safer.

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