Buick Wildcat 430 Spare parts?

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by buick_67, Aug 3, 2007.

  1. buick_67

    buick_67 Buick Wildcat Coupe -67

    Hello! im a guy from Sweden who like to ask a question.
    I've got a Buick Wildcat -67 That i have started to renovate and I wanna know if you guys over in the state knows any good internet page where i can buy Spare parts for my car? I have searched a lot on the net but i have never founded a good page with lots of parts, or doesnt these kind of pages exist? please help me find a page!
  2. red67wildcat

    red67wildcat Well-Known Member

    I have found with the big cars it takes a lot of searching for parts try
    ebay,craigslist in just about every city,cars inc at oldbuickparts.com,post on here what you are looking for. there seems to be a whole lot of wildcat owners on this site. good luck
  3. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

  4. buick_67

    buick_67 Buick Wildcat Coupe -67

    Thank you guys! I see if the sites gives me some help! The only problem for me is that most of the things you guys can order i cant because of the shippings... But thanks anyway!
  5. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    we do what we can!

    you might also want to consider asking one of the guys doing business on the board if they'd consider re-shipping something for you.

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