Ca Surfer Dudes-r U Votin' For Aaaarnold?

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Brian Albrecht, Oct 7, 2003.

  1. Brian Albrecht

    Brian Albrecht Classic Reflections

    Just curious? I have to admit I not well read and a little confused as to why a recall is in the works in the first place? I watched Democratic hopefuls give speaches yesterday on C-Span and they seemed to think it is all part of some Republican power grab. :Do No:
  2. ethan

    ethan buicks rock!

    It's really quite interesting, isn't it? The whole thing is pretty weird.

    While I didn't vote for Grey Davis and I think he stinks, I still don't think there are grounds for a recall. Sure, the economy is in the toilet, but given the state of the US economy, it's not really fair to blame that entirely on Davis. I'm worried that bringing in someone new at this point wil make things much worse before they get any better. I don't think it was a Republican "power grab" given the amount of signatures that were required for the recall, but I sure think it was a perfect opportunity to find a well-known republican celebrity to woo voters.

    I'm not even sure who I'm going to vote for (voting after work tonight) because this whole thing is a circus. The fact that Gary Coleman and Gallagher are in the race tells me that the recall system is flawed.

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