Can you test dwell with crane xri?

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by CJay, May 26, 2023.

  1. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    The GS400 started running poorly. It's got the old crane xri setup that came in my GSX.

    I installed my dwell meter but im only getting 12 degrees of dwell. But I'm not sure if what I'm doing is a valid test.

    The timing is on the money. I'd think if the dwell was thst far off the timing would be out to lunch but what do I know? Fast efi couldn't tell me. Lol
  2. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    That's an odd one. I would guess the measure should be high (more than 30) if anything for "dwell" in an Electronic ignition?

    If it's really 12 maybe that's too brief or the coil to fully charge? I'm sure you'll figure it out...
  3. FLGS400

    FLGS400 Gold Level Contributor

    I had problems with the FAST version of the XRi. Progressively got worse to the point where it would not start when hot. Ran fine when cold. Couldn't take it anymore and got sick of swapping coils and trouble shooting it, so I tossed it and put points back in the car triggering a MSD 6AL and Blaster 2 coil. Been great since!
  4. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    I think the sensor is adjustable (pretty sure it's a lobe sensing unit) ...but other than that, there is nothing you can do.
  5. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I'm going to swap it back to points for diagnostic purposes and see if it runs better
    Max Damage and FLGS400 like this.
  6. 87GN_70GS

    87GN_70GS Well-Known Member

    As long as the xri is not multi spark or CD, the dwell meter will read correctly

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