Carb. Rebuild Question...

Discussion in 'The Mixing shop.' started by MR.BUICK, Sep 25, 2005.


    MR.BUICK Guest

    For anyone who has rebuilt a carb. w/ a carb. rebuild kit, I gotta quick question for you, will a carb. rebuild kit for my 2 barrel carb. on my car(I think it's a rochester carb. but I won't swear to it) come w/ instructions on how and what to do exactly when rebuilding it? I have never done this before and I am going to try and attempt it if there are instructions with something like this. Thanks! :Comp: :TU:
  2. mazzy70

    mazzy70 Bill

    Carb Instructions


    I am sure that it will come with directions..I have rebuilt a few carbs and everyone I have ever done came with instructions "and pretty decent ones" and a little ruler to determin float hight and adjustment..


    MR.BUICK Guest

    Thanks Bill! :Comp:
  4. GoldBoattail455

    GoldBoattail455 462 -> TH400 -> Posi

    A good added reference is the Rochester manual. You can usually find them in your library.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Thanks Rob, I will keep that in mind, as well! :TU:
  6. Kirk

    Kirk Well-Known Member

    Both Haynes and HPBooks have very good Rochester carb manuals. The Haynes "Rochester Carburetor Manual" (p/n 2068) is better for your application because it has specific sections on overhauling and adjusting the different Rochester models (including 2-barrel 2G models). The HPBooks "Rochester Carburetors" is primarily devoted to the Quadrajet.

    I've rebuilt the Rochester 2GV on my '68 Buick. The instructions with the kit consist of an exploded diagram and some terse paragraphs. Easy enough if you've been there before. The Haynes book has lots of nice photographs detailing each step. Between the two you should have no problems.
  7. Smartin

    Smartin Staff Member

    Just crack it open and go to work, Cody:grin:

    The carbs are fairly simple. All you have to do is pay attention to where the little parts fall out from when you turn it upside down:Dou:

    Seriously, it's not bad. I did my first carb rebuild when I was 16. It was on a 71 2bbl carb.

    MR.BUICK Guest

    Thanks for the info. and advice, Kirk & Adam!

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