Cherry Picker Question

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by MikeM, Sep 28, 2003.

  1. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    I've bought a spare engine from one of the guys on the board. Neee to arrange a cherry picker (engine hiost) to unloaid it at one of my storage spaces.

    Can buy one over the internet but would have to deal with delivrey. Sears has them for more money at pick up. Either way, they weigh 200#. And set up sounds tough for me to do by myself.

    Rental is an option I suppose, but would have to arrange a pick up truck, and again the 200#s isn't particularly appealing.

    Wuat's your advice how to set up this delivery with a cherry picker in place. Figure I'll get to USA the day before and have to hustle something together, appreciate your thoughts if you have experience with this.
  2. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    Where in the US are you going to be?
    I would think that one of the members here should be able to help you out depending on where you're coming to?
  3. Doo Wop

    Doo Wop Where were you in '62?

    Why not just call a local towing service and have one of their trucks lift the motor for you? Quick and easy and should not be too much $$$.

  4. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    Sounds like a good option, but can a tow truck back into a 10x20 space with a standard height? I can barely fit my Riviera in there, so think that this option won't work.
  5. Doo Wop

    Doo Wop Where were you in '62?

    Should be able to find a truck that can "lower the boom" (so to speak) and fix you right up. If you are using an engine stand, even better. Mount it to the engine first, lower it to the floor and voila!

  6. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    good idea there, buying an engine stand would be a lot simpler.

    Pls keep the ideas coming. Eventually I'll probably need a hoist to install this in one of the cars, but don't need it now. So this seems like a good short term idea, if the tow truck can get the hook low enough to get the block out of the back of a SUV. I'm not so sure about that either.
  7. James P

    James P Founders Club Member


    I scored a cheap ($89, made in China), 1 ton, fold-up hoist at a local tool clearance sale. The type of sale that moves from area to area. It was a breeze to setup, only taking 15 minutes or so, and worked very well for pulling the motor and trans out as a unit.

    Watch your local papers for these types of sales, or check the yellow pages for surplus/used tool vendors. We have one the next town over that has a couple hoists and engine stands for short money.

    Check around, they're out there. Good luck.
  8. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass


    Again, where in the US will you be?
  9. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    NW Chicago burbs, Palatine to be exact. I appreciate the concept that somebody on tha board can help but seriosly doubt that it can happen during the week on my exact requirements. Frankly I'm lucky to have the delivery pinned down so close because it's one of us guys here. Normally you have to guess within a week or so if it's coming on a carrier, and no telling what day or time of day.
  10. dryskip

    dryskip Mid-life Crisis Victim

    Harbor Freight has a resonable price at times. An engine stand runs between $40 and $80 depending on which one you want. How did the '66 do at the show?
  11. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    The show in Barrington is Oct 4, same day as the W Coast Nats. I'll be sitting on my butt in a parking lot showing the Riv at the same time you'll be racing the 72GS. Maybe the 68GS too. Wouldn't mind trading places.

    Good news is that we have a club race in Byron on Oct 5. Will probably take the GN over there for that one.

    Am working on getting the engine delivered Oct 3. When in US have to compress these things as best I can.
  12. rex362

    rex362 paint clear and drive


    if its a one time use....Cmon over and borrow mine....north side of chicago....just so I have it back in a week or 2...have 2 drop an engine in my cutlass

    ...but if you need one for future....just hit the harbor freight ....pick one up for cheap...I think theres one near you...or is it in arlington hts...??
  13. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

  14. gsgns4me

    gsgns4me Well-Known Member

    Advance Auto Parts isn't my first choice usually...

    ....but for some reason the local ones have an abundance of hoists (and some other stuff) lately, and a sign that says "We will beat anyone's price".

    So I got the hoist they advertise @$199.99 for $169.99. Probably not the best hoist, but not too bad. Folds up, easily assembled, boom is a little on the short side (will need to make an extension when I reinstall my engine).
  15. Dale

    Dale Sweepspear

    Do you have, or know anyone with a vehicle with a trailer hitch?
    All of the engine hoists I've seen or used from a rental place are made to be towed behind a vehicle.
    When you get it to your destination you unhook it and flip it upright and your ready to pull.

    Attached Files:

  16. GS Shari

    GS Shari Guest

    Hey, Mike - I bought one for Loyd last month for an anniversary present from a Farm and Fleet, on the recommendation of another club member. Normally it's $159, and was on sale for $129! Plus it folds up. I don't think it took Loyd very long to assemble.

    Just another source to try....

  17. Stagedcoach71

    Stagedcoach71 Well-Known Member

    Western Suburbs


    You can borrow my hoist and I have an extra engine stand you cab borrow as well.

    I live just South of Naperville.

    Just come and get it.

    You'll need help lifting it out of your truck. It is heavy.
  18. Nicholas Sloop

    Nicholas Sloop '08 GS Nats BSA runner up

    All the rental hoists I've ever gotten were completely disassemblable. "Put tab A in slot B." All the parts would fit in a compact car with a fold down back seat.
  19. ricknmel67

    ricknmel67 Well-Known Member

    I used to rent those kind too. But at $20 or so a pop, it didn't take long to figure that spending $150-$200 on a cheap one was a wise choice. Doesn't take too many uses for it to pay for itself.
    :Do No:

    Mine folds up, and I wouldn't have it any other way. For as little as I use it, it would take up way too much space if it didn't fold up. It's not near as "stout" as one that doesn't fold up, but thats a sacrifice I'm VERY willing to make.

    One complaint...
    The wheels that are on it. I think they're so cheap that even China probably imported them from someplace cheaper than China!! :gt:
    It's a bear to roll around. Someday I plan to upgrade to better wheels.
  20. MikeM

    MikeM Mississippi Buicks

    Thanks to all for the advice. I'll be starting my search tomorrow.

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