Craigslist!! (Weird Al)

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by BadBrad, May 3, 2023.

  1. BadBrad

    BadBrad Got 4-speed?

    I know many of you watch the Craigslist, but have you seen Weird Al Yankovic's version?

    Al was a student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo here in California, as was I. I've made use (a few times) of his original recording studio - the men's room in the Graphic Arts department - so I feel a minor connection.


    tubecatgs and tdacton like this.
  2. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    He is a special kind of genius. It feels like he has been doing this FOREVER.
  3. Nailhead in a 1967

    Nailhead in a 1967 Kell-Mnown Wember

    Song by "Weird Al" Yankovic

    Whoa, yeah!
    You've got a '65 Chevy Malibu
    With automatic drive
    A custom paint job, too

    I'll trade you for my old wheelbarrow
    And a slightly used sombrero
    And I'll even throw in a stapler, if you insist

    I'm on Craiglist, baby, come on!

    Well, we shared a quick glance
    Saturday at the mall
    I never took a chance
    Never approached you at all

    You were a blonde half-Asian with a bad case of gas
    I was wearin' red Speedos and a hockey mask
    Come on, let's find that love connection that we missed

    On Craigslist!
    Yeah, Craigslist, come on!
    I'm on Craigslist
    Oh, baby, maybe you are too!
    Be bom ba chomb cadonk bin bam boo!

    An open letter to the snotty barista
    At the Coffee Bean on San Vacente Boulevard:
    I know there were twenty people behind me in line
    But I was on a cell phone call with my mother
    Didn't you see me hold up my index finger?
    That means, "I'll order my soy decaf hazelnut latte in just a couple minutes"
    So, what's with the attitude, lady?
    No tip for you!

    Got a trash can of Styrofoam peanuts
    You can have 'em for free
    You can drop by on the weekend
    And pick 'em up from me
    But the trash can ain't part of the deal
    Only givin' you the peanuts
    Get real!
    Don't have no Hefty bag, so bring your own
    Don't bug me with questions on the phone
    Don't ask for help, don't waste my time
    And don't complain, 'cause they won't cost you a dime
    Just ask yourself:
    Do you want my Styrofoam peanuts?
    You can have my Styrofoam peanuts
    Do you want my Styrofoam peanuts?
    You can have them all

    They're on Craigslist, yeah!
    Ow, baby, come on!
    I'm on Craigslist, Craigslist, Craigslist!
    I'm on Craigslist, Craigslist, Craigslist, now

  4. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    Listened to an interview with him several years ago where he spoke about how these parodies come to life. Apparently he always asks the original artists for permission before recording his versions. A few have agreed only if they can play on them. Other performers have declined permission. He's also a bit of a grammar geek while creating his lyrics.

    I've read that some artists think it's a great honor for Weird Al to parody any of their work.

    Once spent a night in San Luis Obispo where I introduced a buddy to jalapeno peppers. :D:D Had an extra pitcher of beer brought to our table just before he bit in. :p:p
  5. Mark Demko

    Mark Demko Well-Known Member

    LMAO, pure genius!
  6. tdacton

    tdacton Gold Level Contributor

    I grew up in the late 70's early 80's listening to the Dr Demento show. Weird Al was always part of the show.
    Brian Albrecht and Mark Demko like this.

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