Crane XR-i points replacer

Discussion in 'Small Block Tech' started by JIMSGS, Feb 7, 2003.


    JIMSGS Greaser

    Anyone tried this new product?
  2. IgnitionMan

    IgnitionMan Guest

    Removed 5 so far, heard of others whom aren't happy with them, problems with the rev limiters, low voltage output.

    Other than that, what do people expect for $60.00.

    Probably just peachy if yo don't expect much.
  3. Chris Cornett

    Chris Cornett Well-Known Member

    I have a Pertronix unit that I like.

    JIMSGS Greaser

    I've got a Pertronix I'm happy with as well. I knew this sounded too good to be true. Thank you
  5. IgnitionMan

    IgnitionMan Guest

    The Crane and PerTronix are both too good to be true. Both stink, in my opinion.
  6. brblx

    brblx clueless

    i know a pertronix unit can't compare to a full HEI conversion, but it performs at least as well as points without the hassle, right?
  7. IgnitionMan

    IgnitionMan Guest

    Performs as well as points without the hassle, kinda-sorta, but no cigar. First series Ignitor is average for a low performance system, LS and II are just plain garbage, useless.

    Two swap meets ago at Long Beach, California, I had a fellow come by my booth. He said his neighbor told him to come see me for an HEI conversion. We spoke of just which setup he really needed, small body HEI.

    I asked him whom refered him to me, and his answer was, his neighbor down the street, whom WORKS FOR PERTRONIX. I said "no, really", he said "yes, he works in the warrantee department, says he is always busy". He said the neighbor told him that just about half the Ignitors they sell come back blown up or defective.

    Now, I take that with a grain of salt, that's a lot of failed product, but I have heard from two others whom work there whom seem to confirm that, that info as not being too far off real world.

    He'll pick his small body HEI up tomorrow, Sunday, at the next Long Beach Swap Meet.

    I'm also biased, as I build my own stuff, but my bias comes from seeing lots of stuff that just plain doesn't work, or is junk. I'll stand behind a competitor's product if it is a good one, scorn the heck out of one that is junk. PerTronix Ignitors are just junk, in my educated, hands-on educated opinion.

    I don't ever want to become as big a business as PerTronix, Mallory, etc. I'm happy as a clam to be directly involved/connected with EVERY one of my customers, build a good product and be involved in our sport, as not only a manufacturer, but an enthusiast and car/motorcycle owner.

    Nothing pisses me off worse than seeing over-hyped advertizing suckering someone into paying very hard earned money for something that really isn't what its advertized to be. I just try to keep people from getting sucked into the void by telling it like it really is, no sugar coating, just the real deal.

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