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Found 3 Build sheets in our '72 Stage 1 !!!

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by BUQUICK, Apr 24, 2005.


    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Quick history. We bought this 1972 Stage 1 in July 1989 from the brother of the original owner. It was built in Fremont CA and remained in CA until just a couple of years before we got it. We drove the car a small amount, maybe even a couple hundred miles (even drove it to the GS Nats in 1990) but one day the driver's side motor mount broke which ruined the radiator and fan shroud. At that point it was parked and basically has not moved since. It waits its turn to be restored, and we just continue to gather parts as we find them. It still wears its original Hunter Green paint (what's left of it anyway) and has all of its original drivetrain complete and intact (including the original CA only 7042942 carb). The original owner (or maybe the dealer) added a vinyl top, a Rally steering wheel (it came with the base 2 spoke wheel), and an aftermarket radio (it was originally radio delete).


    Last edited: May 21, 2024
    Gulfgears likes this.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    John Diaz (who frequents this board) mentioned he found a build sheet to his Fremont, CA built 72 GS 455 under the package shelf. So in August I looked in the trunk of our car and WOW there was a build sheet exactly where John Diaz described! (Thanks John, in 15 years we had never noticed!). I already posted about that here http://www.v8buick.com/showthread.php?t=54320

    Well time got away and I never took the car apart to get it out. I knew it would take the better part of a day since it would have to be pulled out of the storage shed, and then unload the interior which is basically full of NOS parts then remove the interior. Since the weather was very nice this past last week, my father & I decided to finally get it out from under the package shelf.

    We removed the rear seat in 1989 and looked for a build sheet and didnt find one. But this time when we removed the rear seat we looked a little closer and WOW there was a small section of a build sheet visible. It was between the cushion and the seat cover. In order to get it out safely we had to cut about 1/3 of the hog-rings that hold the seat cover in place. It was in several pieces but it was complete.
    Buildsheet under rear seat 1.jpg

    with cover removed
    Buildsheet under rear seat 2.jpg
    Last edited: May 21, 2024

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    sheet under package tray

    After gathering all of the pieces of the build sheet under the rear seat we then loosened the package tray enough to get out the build sheet that we were originally going after. I had some damage from a leaking rear window. But it was basically complete and mostly legible. It was folded slightly but I have been able to flatten it out.

    Buildsheet from package tray 2.jpg

    folded but complete
    Buildsheet from package tray.jpg
    Last edited: May 21, 2024

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Well then I thought I should look under the front bucket seat to see if there might be a Trim sheet (the small handwritten paper) tucked in the springs since I have found those in several Buicks. Using a flashlight and mirror I didn't see anything under the passenger seat. Then I looked under the driver's seat and through a small hole in the seat track I spotted UXE typed on a piece of paper. So, we took the driver's seat out of the car and took off the plastic side cover and found a 3rd complete build sheet! It was folded in and tucked neatly above the seat frame/tracks. It was stained pretty badly since the previous owner told us that his wife left the windows down on the car for a few weeks while he was out of town (she was mad at him but luckily it was Southern CA and it doesn't rain too much).

    Buildsheet under bucket seat 1.jpg
    Buildsheet under bucket seat 2.jpg

    removed, it is folded in 1/2
    Buildsheet under bucket seat 3.jpg
    Last edited: May 21, 2024

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    There may be another sheet on top of the gas tank, or somewhere else in the interior (all we have done is look under the seats and package shelf, have not removed door panels, headliner, or the dash). Rolling the car out into the sunlight for the first time in over 10 years got us excited about the car and we look forward to restoring it.

    So guys dont give up until you have completely torn your car apart, there may be a buildsheet in it somewhere.

    Sorry for the legth but I'm excited and thought you guys might like to see where some build sheets might be found if your car was built in Fremont, CA.
  6. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Nice find.... I found two build sheets for my Wilmington built '68 GS400 Conv. One in the top back seat springs and one in the back of the passenger bucket seat.

    Can you post the dealer name and code from your sheet?


    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    I think it is already on the Mark M.'s dealer list



    I suppose DBA means Doing Business As but what exactly does that mean?

    Now that I'm certain about the dealer name (sloan didn't have a listing for 24-459) I will be contacting you about a couple of window stickers for our cars.
  8. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    I have a 70 Skylark from the Leeds plant and we found 4 buildsheets in it plus one under the driver fender glued to it.Then to top it off,when we pulled the rear seat,there was another one plus one for an L79 powered 4 speed ElCamino with it...
    Dano likes this.
  9. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Your right, it is on Mark's list... I just miss-read the code number on one of the photos you posted :Dou:
  10. BUICK528

    BUICK528 Big Red

    Gary, your just not going to believe this..................... :bglasses:

    My Fremont built '72 Stage 1, yup Big Red it is, came from the same dealer yours did. What is the build and delivery date of yours? I think mine was billed to Ladin, but delivered to the Buick Zone Office directly. Got to check my papers again....

    yuppers, mine was CHARGED to Buick Motor Division directly, but courtesy delivered to Ladin Buick-Opel. Mine was the 76th car built on 12-07-71. If my memory is right, it was delivered to the dealer on 12-21-71. 14 days from Fremont to Thousand Oaks??? that's not that far away to take 2 weeks??

    I found three build sheets in mine, one under the package tray in almost perfect condition, and another under the carpet that was trashed, and another in the back seat springs that was trashed.

    I had mine out driving it today, there is just something about this car that gives me goosebumps every time I drive it.

    Jim :3gears:
  11. Marco

    Marco Well-Known Member

    You are correct Gary - 'Doing Business As'.

    Sometimes Businesses/Individuals will conduct transactions under a different 'trade name' - sort of like some actors change their name when they hit the silver screen.

    Cool find :TU:
  12. Tripple7

    Tripple7 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to exhume this old thread.. but I got to say this forum rocks!
    On the quest to complete my '71 Skylark Customs documentation this was very helpful.
    Found two build sheets:
    One under the rear seat, luring out just an inch or so, and one under the driver seat.
    Still need to check the fuel tank.
    Maybe someone knows this dealer or first owner?

    Attached Files:

  13. Duane

    Duane Member

    Your car is a Fremont built car, so it probably does not have a sheet on top of the tank.

    The soft trim sheet was used by "Fisher Body" to build the shell. The other sheet is not really a build sheet, but is from the dealership and shows all the option codes for the car.

    You might find the "Buick"final assembly build sheet under the rear shelf area. That is where most of the Fremont cars had them.
  14. Tripple7

    Tripple7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that Duane!
    I already removed and changed the rear shelf as it was partly cracked due to moisture that came through a leaking rear window..
    Nothing was there.
    Might it be an idea to check behind the cluster?
    Dont know which places the Fremont guys liked the most to place their easter eggs ..
  15. Duane

    Duane Member

    You can look anywhere but they are usually under the rear shelf and the Fisher sheet is usually under the front seat.

    You might not find any more sheets, most guys don't find any.
  16. Tripple7

    Tripple7 Well-Known Member

    I know.. I'm so happy that I have so many documents from the previous owners which confirm the history of the car.. even more after ending here in Germany. Thank you anyways Duane
  17. Duane

    Duane Member

    No sweat.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Fremont cars for ‘70-‘72 do commonly have a sheet on top of the gas tank. We have not dropped our tank yet but I’ve seen several other people posting that they had a sheet taped to the tank. I saw this one posted today by someone working on their ‘70 Skylark that was assembled at the Fremont plant.

    Last edited: Nov 19, 2020
    Tripple7 likes this.
  19. Tripple7

    Tripple7 Well-Known Member

    Very helpul information. Took a look and there it was..
    Pretty intact after almost 50 years. Thanks for that! 20201120_140300.jpg 20201120_140239.jpg
    BYoung, Dano and BUQUICK like this.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    That's great! Dropping your gas tank is a lot of work but was very rewarding for you since the sheet was there and appears to be very legible. I can even see that your car was "XXX CUSTOMER ORDER." I can only imagine your response when you dropped that tank and saw that sheet laying there. Maybe I should dig our car back out of storage and drop the tank in hopes of finding a 4th sheet in the same car. That would be a record for us.

    Thanks for posting the outcome of your search.
    Dano likes this.

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