Help! Looking for 67 GS & Skylark Color Pix

Discussion in 'Color is everything!' started by Starchboy, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. Starchboy

    Starchboy Well-Known Member

    Trying to decide what color to paint my 67 GS, it was originally gold and I can only find one or two pix of gold 67's online for comparison. I'm also considering other colors so if you can post pix of your 67's here to help me get a look and decide, that would great. (especially gold-in fact it doesn't have to be a Skylark, any gold car from 64-67 would be good to look at)

    Also, if you know of any pix online and could point me to them, that would be great.


  2. MeanBuicks

    MeanBuicks Scaring the neighbors.

  3. joejbal

    joejbal Well-Known Member

    Great idea. im also trying to pick a color. My car was originally maroon.
  4. 67 grand sport

    67 grand sport Buicks and Packers RULE!!

    You may have seen my car on this site before, but I am posting a picture of it anyway! I really like this color combo of ivory and Gold. I know it isnt for everyone and I didnt think that I was going to like it, but now that it has new paint on it, It does look good.

    Attached Files:

  5. 79BlueShark

    79BlueShark Well-Known Member

    Plain and simple.

    Attached Files:

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