Hemmings blog: mid-sized station wagons an endangered species?

Discussion in 'Drag'n Wagons' started by elagache, Nov 7, 2017.

  1. elagache

    elagache Platinum Level Contributor

    Dear V-8 Buick "long-roof" fans,

    The Hemmings blog has another instance of their "$5000 challenge" series. This is highlighting cars that are for sale at Hemmings that have something special about them and nonetheless are less than $5000. This particular entry makes the claim that: "Midsize wagons and personal luxury coupes are things of the past, not to mention moderately priced sports cars that favor handling over output. How much longer will it be before the above automotive genres go the way of the dodo? Isn’t that reason enough to rescue one of these five survivors, each clearly on the endangered list?" Here is a link to the article:


    In particular, the article describes mid-sized wagons as: "Before crossovers and SUVs, station wagons were once the family vehicle of choice for suburban Americans. Those with large families (or large budgets) shopped for full-size wagons, while those with more modest hauling requirements or incomes opted for midsize wagons." When Ford described their early 1960s Fairlane station wagon, they used accolades like: “Family size. Sports-car feel. Big-car ride. Fine-car quality.” Those accolades certainly also apply to the the Buick mid-sized wagon, especially during the mid-sixties when Buick had no full-sized wagon. Is my trusty wagon an endangered species? There sure are times when it feels that way!

    Cheers, Edouard

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