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I have some part's F/S

Discussion in 'Parts for sale' started by Lee Bacon, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. Lee Bacon

    Lee Bacon Well-Known Member

    Will post pic's & prices w/Chris's help..............Thank's Chris :TU: ALL PART'S + SHIPPING
    Tail Housing's 40.00 SOLD
    NOS Marker lite 50.00 SOLD
    Center Console 150.00 SOLD
    Hood plates 60.00 SOLD
    NOS Mirror smaller than normal 50.00
    Gauge Pak (works) 100.00
    Repro GS Emblem 10.00 SOLD
    Seat Pressure SW w/wiring (I both sides, just can't find it) 50.00 SOLD
    NOS belt holders 50.00
    72 Grill plates 60.00 SOLD
    69 4-speed linkage 135.00
    Signal Lever 10.00
    Rear Markers 60.00
    Black hose 10.00
    New Tire Cover 15" 35.00 SOLD

    Please post your want's here first before sending a Pm Thank's
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2010
  2. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Will have pics in a few minutes :)
  3. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Here is the first batch.

    Attached Files:

  4. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Second batch.

    Attached Files:

  5. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    prices on the back plates
  6. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Third batch.

    Attached Files:

  7. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    interested in grill emblem and back plates so far
  8. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Fourth batch.

    Attached Files:

  9. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Fifth batch.

    Attached Files:

  10. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Lee, did I post all the pics you sent me?
  11. Lee Bacon

    Lee Bacon Well-Known Member

    Yes Chris............Thank's!!!!!! Price's being edited into first post. :rolleyes:
  12. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Lee, how much for the set of seat belt holders?
  13. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    ok and spare tire cover also
  14. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    >>You are welcome Lee - always willing to help out :beer
  15. Redmanf1

    Redmanf1 Gold Level Contributor

    Tire cover size?
  16. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    Hey Dennis: aka WHYNOTBUICK..those foam plates are for a 72 ONLY? did you know? I have a local fello who needs 72 backing plates...IF you need them for your 71, they wont be correct....JM.02CW! Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  17. ynotbuick

    ynotbuick Platinum Level Contributor

    Wheelz your right, I didn't look that close, take em if you need em.
  18. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    ALLrightythen.... put me first in line for the 72 GS hood foam plates AND grilles! For my buddy ANDY! Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  19. V8Sky

    V8Sky "Scarlett"

    Seat Pressure SW w/wiring (I both sides, just can't find it) 50.00

    >>Lee, is this for the 1972 seatbelt warning system? If the set is in good working condition and you find both sides I would be interested.
  20. johnnylark

    johnnylark Well-Known Member

    inline for gs emblem please

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