Interesting rules on another site im on

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by CJay, Apr 10, 2023.

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  1. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    I guess these people in prison did not break the existing laws or is it OK with you to forgo laws and let them run wild? Last I checked murder is against the law, don't these people know thato_O Maybe they should get a trophy, seems like everyone deserves one now days. These people were not just plucked from the streets and put in prison; they made a choice to break the law. Why aren't you currently in prison? Are you breaking the law and getting away with it?

    There are good paying jobs for those that want to work hard to achieve them. Minimum wage jobs are not meant to be living wages, they are a steppingstone to working toward a better paying job or filler jobs for those who don't need the money to support them. People just expect to be paid big money for showing up. They should also choose wisely what they take for higher education and where they go for that education. Taking out huge loans to get a degree that has little or no real opportunity is just plain dumb and expecting others to pay back your loans for your bad choices just adds to the problem.
    My sons are going to a State College (not a big name like Ohio, Georgia, Florida, etc.) for degrees that will get them good paying jobs after graduation. My oldest son will graduate this year and already has a job in his field making a very respectable wage. He has no student loans due to selecting the right school and working part time. He did not qualify for any of the school Scholarships since he is a white male and did not fit into the ethnic, gender, gender fluid, etc categories. White Privilege had nothing to do with it, he had a stable family life and good examples of adults around him and he worked hard. Both my boys are Eagle Scouts and have done community service as part of their requirements to get that rank so they are not sheltered individuals handed trophy's for showing up.

    NYS also offers tuition free College if you make under 125K/year combined income so there is no reason for anyone not to make the right choice and be locked into the lower economic class. The interesting part is the lower income families are not taking advantage of this opportunity, why is that? They soften it by saying they are left out but they are not left out since it is there to be used and they choose not to use it. You can't force people to improve their own opportunities.
    A separate research report found that of first-year CUNY undergraduates, only about 25% of eligible students are Excelsior recipients and the lowest-income students are most likely left out.

    PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY is the key word for both committing crimes or improving your economic class. Stop using excuses and being the victim. Stop having kids if you cannot afford them, stop hooking up with deadbeats that will not be around to act as a father, stop breaking the law, I suppose that is too much to ask and its somebody else's fault it happens.

    I don't know how the family unit is going to survive when kids have "birthing people" instead of mothers and fathers and no one in the family knows if they are male, female, both, neither, a cat, a dog or whatever. That is just unnatural.:(
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
    turbotimmer, Topcat, Waterboy and 6 others like this.

    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat


    JESUPERCAT No Slow Boat

    Probably Harvard. My Dad didn't go there and he was a top 500 CEO. Not that it matters in this thread:D
  4. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    these are HARD, HARD questions. the fact is only a HARD,HARD answer and solution can fix the problem. most people do not have the stomach for the hard solutions!
    STAGE III and docgsx like this.
  5. GKMoz

    GKMoz Gary / Moz

    "well-paying jobs" Lots of highly paid criminals in prison!
    Attack my faith and Christianity as a whole.... because most haven't a clue about it!
    The Bible calls all believers to judge...and it commands forgiveness to those who judge us!.

    The Bible Says That Christians Must Judge...1 Corinthians 2:15
    Forgiveness... Colossians 3:13... that doesn't t mean those who break the law!
    Only God can do that justly! I'm human and am capable of bias!
    We are to judge between right & wrong in ALL things!
    Every person makes judgments hundreds of times in a week/years
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2023
    Topcat, Waterboy and docgsx like this.
  6. Houndogforever

    Houndogforever Silver Level contributor

    Mike, you can rant all you want. I don't like criminals either and I'm not one.

    Again, SOCIETY is not the same as your house and your family. It is a combination of millions. You can run your family how you want, but you cannot dictate a society. It doesn't work.
    To reduce crime, we lock up criminals. However we have more people locked up that any other country. So what we are doing obviously isn't working.
    THAT isn't a symptom requiring knee jerk reactions as to how your family rose above this or that. It's sociology.
  7. rkammer

    rkammer Gold Level Contributor

    You must know that won't do it. There are plenty of other semi-automatic rifles to take the ARs place. To say nothing about shotguns, semi-auto pistols, knives and on and on and on.

    Let's try to figure out how to keep any kind of weapon out of the hands of the mental cases and the criminals who get out of prison long before they should for the previous crimes they committed.
    Waterboy likes this.
  8. john.schaefer77

    john.schaefer77 Well-Known Member

    Airports were targets, they were hardened.
    The capitol was a target, it was hardened.
    Major cities were targets, they were (not any more) hardened.
    Newspapers and Cable TV outlets all hardened.
    If these institutions are seen in threat assessments as vulnerable, why can places like schools be seen important enough to bother?

    I did anti terrorism level 2 for the DOD and we did threat/vulnerability assessments on our installation. Thank God that security on base already saw an attack on the CDC (Child Development Center) as something that an enemy could do to crush the moral of fighting men. They could guarantee any trouble there of ANY type and the response would be overwhelming and swift. Initial response instant and backup about 30 seconds away. Way more invested in safety of kids on base. A gunman was one of the senerios, but one of about a dozen possibilities.
    This new thinking we have is alien to the US that I swore to protect and and defend (and did for 21 years) up to the cost of my life. I never would of thought my freedoms would be something to worry about. Gasoline cars, gas stoves, grocery bags, Tom & Jerry, Dr Suess, history all under assault.
    BTW I have been to 85 countries and have seen REAL oppression and what a tyrannical govt can do. Scary. I've seen people killed in the street by the govt and not a big deal. Maybe it can get like that here, maybe not. We have a Constitution where our rights don't come from Govt. Ya I know someone is gonna be all over that. It ok. I'm not gonna respond.
  9. richopp

    richopp Well-Known Member

    There are @24,000 public schools in the USA.
    A GLOCK is about $450.00.
    A box of ammo (1000) runs about $300.00.

    Forget the salaries and traning of the people.

    Recurring costs (year after year after year).

    You guys can do the math.

    And, we ALL support those local bonds to fund the schools every time, right?

    In FL they are banning books, so maybe we can save enough on school books to pay for hardening the schools where no students have books. Books aren't very good at stopping bullets anyway.

    I love the post about how the gun side is ALWAYS the side that conpromises. The gun side has all the guns. The other side only has dead children. Go figure.

    Houndogforever likes this.
  10. Mike Trom

    Mike Trom Platinum Level Contributor

    Yeah, me raising my family to succeed, not be victims, think for themselves is terrifying to people like you that like to blame everything on other people or systems instead of taking personal responsibility. You are right, SOCIETY is not the same as my family and I guess we have different views on what that Society should be. I will take mine and you can keep yours.

    What makes my post a rant but yours are not? Why are you not a criminal and why can't others do the same as you and stay out of prison? You just keep saying the same thing without adding any additional substance.

    I will try to step out of this conversation because it will go nowhere, don't take this as a win for you because it's not, it's just a waste of my time.
    turbotimmer, Topcat, hwprouty and 5 others like this.
  11. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    funny how the goverment finds the millions/billions +++++ of dollars every year to help other countries and feed and house illegal immigrants. and we cannot even protect our own children. HARD solutions!!
    turbotimmer, Topcat, docgsx and 8 others like this.
  12. john.schaefer77

    john.schaefer77 Well-Known Member

    I guarantee there are many veterans out there that would do it either free or for a tax break. Pretty sure many of us (veterans) have our own firearms and superior training and experience to the average person who just buys a gun and takes a quick course.
    Topcat, docgsx, Mike B in SC and 6 others like this.
  13. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    I'm in agreement with you. I was just illustrating Steve's absurdity by being absurd.
    rkammer, Brett Slater and GKMoz like this.
  14. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    I know, I know -- thinking guns could POSSIBLY be part of any problem -- absurd crazy talk that only works in every civilized country but ours.
  15. Brett Slater

    Brett Slater Super Moderator Staff Member

    Permatex - the ultimate threadlocker.

    I just used it on a seeping timing cover bolt Cook sent me. No more leaking. No more unwanted pesky, annoying drips.

    Thank you CJay!!

    Oh, is this about guns?
  16. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    There is Truth to that Steve,....BUT, those countries what are the youths exposed to vs American youths,....and the pure garbage they are exposed to you,..their brains are stuffed with things they shouldn't be seeing and they can't process it correctly,...that's the issue

    That and pure copy cat syndrome,......poor minority kids don't do this,'s always the ones that had access to most everything and simply weren't led correctly,...then their thoughts fester and brew until they reach the conclusion that this is the way,...."to be heard" ,.."to get even", be seen",....not having a damn gun isn't gonna stop the root issue
    STAGE III and Waterboy like this.
  17. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    The left argument is why does anyone need an semi auto hi capacity rifle or handgun, answer to that is if something ever gets so shitty here,..that I need to protect my family or myself,..I'm gonna need something more than a revolver,......and if anyone believes that can't and won't happen here, are blind and deaf
    turbotimmer, GKMoz, docgsx and 3 others like this.
  18. hugger

    hugger Well-Known Member

    To solve school shootings is simple,...very simple,..hire TRUE TRAINED SECURITY AND EQUIP THE SHOOLS WITH MAGNETIC LOCKS ON ALL DOORS,....would that cost a **** ton of money??, better believe it, it worth it?? Absolutely imo,...BUT,...the government can hire 86k new it's,..send millions and millions to countries other than our own, presidents all over the world,....etc etc,.....
  19. Waterboy

    Waterboy Mullet Mafia since 6/20

  20. 2manybuicks

    2manybuicks Founders Club Member

    Yes, but you have to draw the line somewhere on what people can buy.

    Full on machine guns? Sure, you could defend youself with those, but society has agreed to draw that line.

    Before AR style weapons existed, people still defended themselves. Then they got mass-produced and the line shifted.

    A US company recently started selling new improved military-grade armor-piercing ammo. Do we really need that on the streets?

    The US military has developed a new computer-sighted gun that can improve targeting -- basically targets for you. I suppose 2nd amendment rights will cease to exist if people can't buy those too.
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