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Is there a way to do this?

Discussion in 'Tips On Using The Board' started by SharpSabre455, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. SharpSabre455

    SharpSabre455 Sloan says "It's Rare!"

    Hi Everyone:

    Because of my job, I usually can't get back to the V8Buick board as often as I'd like. When I get back online, I can only get the past 20 pages of posts.

    Is there any way for me to go back further to read the posts I've missed or am I just limited to the 20 pages that appear when I click on "new posts?"

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

  2. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Click on the User CP link near the top left of the screen. Then click on Edit Options. Down in the Thread Display Options, make sure it says "Show All Threads" in the default thread age cutoff drop-down list. Not sure if this the solution, but kind of sounds like it.
  3. SharpSabre455

    SharpSabre455 Sloan says "It's Rare!"


    The option currently in use is "Use Forum Default."

    1) Is this the area I should change...

    2) Is the forum default 20 pages? All of the options are time based, not page based...

    I certainly will give it a try...


  4. David G

    David G de-modded....

    Paul, I don't know what the forum default is, but I do not think you can choose an option for how many pages you want to see here, only how far back time-wise. For some forums, 20 pages might be 2 years worth of posts, but only 2 weeks on The Bench, for instance.
  5. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    The forum default is (supposed to be) 10 days worth of posts will remain "unread." All other posts outside of the 10 day limit are considered "read" and will not be displayed in the "New Posts."
  6. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Is there a way to pull up the last X day's posts, like the old "Last 3 Days" button that used to be there?
  7. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    I believe there's just a search code you type into the hyperlink, but I haven't really seen that on the later versions. I know the last 24hrs can be looked up.
  8. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Got that search code handy, or how do you look up the last 24 hrs? (looked on the advanced search page, couldn't figure it out... :Do No: )
  9. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Here's a simple thing:

    So you can go to your address bar after you've clicked on the "New Posts" link, and change it to the above code. You will then be able to choose how far you want to go back on posts.

    I'll be adding some of these links to the BPG site....people (including me) seem to like being able to click on the last couple days of posts. Especially if they accidentally click on the "Mark Forums Read" link. :grin:
  10. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    That instruction may be a bit ambiguous, so here's a better explanation.

    For now, just use this link and modify it to suit how many days you want to look back:


    **Whereas 1 = 1 day (24 hours of posts), 2 = 2 days, and so on and so on.
  11. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Glad I'm not the only one doing that.... :Dou: :laugh:

    Thanks for the info!!! :beer
  12. SharpSabre455

    SharpSabre455 Sloan says "It's Rare!"

    James and Adam:

    Ok, now I'm a little confused. So, even if I do what David suggests, I still won't get all the posts I missed?

    Sometimes I don't get back on the board for 10 days and I really want to get caught up with the info that I missed.

    Any ideas?

  13. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Yep, you're hosed. Unless the admins of the board change the default maximum search results in the control panel.
  14. Smartin

    Smartin antiqueautomotiveservice.com Staff Member

    Actually, the maximum set on here is 500 threads. So you'll never get more than 500 threads in a search query.
  15. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Paul, when I've been away for a week or better, and I *know* there are more than 500 posts I've missed, I usually just pick out the forums I'm mainly interested in (Engines, Big Buicks, Parts for Sale) and go back through them one at a time. 500+ posts is quite a lot to sift through.

    I figure anything of interest will come around when somebody else posts in it the next day or so...but if you're only checking in once a week or so, like Adam said - you may be hosed. :(

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