large assortment of GS Parts-something for everyone

Discussion in 'Parts for sale' started by Evans Ward, Jul 15, 2009.

  1. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    You're second inline behind ibmoses on those.
  2. eric6659

    eric6659 Well-Known Member


    I will take both or all 4 wheel well moldings. Please let me know total with shipping and how you want paid.

  3. Harlockssx

    Harlockssx Brother Graw Mad

    If you find the other one, I'll take 'em...don't want to hunt for another piece though, if you can't.
  4. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    center link to 63116 pending fit to my 72 stage 1
  5. Matt S

    Matt S Matt


    I'll take the mirror. Mirror glass is not cracked and intact correct? It wasn't shown in the photographs. I'll PM you.

  6. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    Yes, glass intact and not cracked. Sorry, forgot to take pic from that angle- was in a hurry. Got your PM. I'll box and package it tonight to take to PO tomorrow a.m. for the shipping quote. Let you know tomorrow on the total cost.

    I should have a few shipping quotes for those that want parts and will PM those tomorrow. My preference is for Paypal (must add 3% fees to price) but will also take USPS money orders.
  7. Matt S

    Matt S Matt

  8. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    Hey B Evans....THANQ for the pix of the ribbed wheel centers. They appear to be in about the same condition as the few I already have..however, I sent you a PM. :TU: Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  9. 10sec 455

    10sec 455 Well-Known Member

    Interested in the 455 crankshaft. What sizes are the journals and how much shipped to 06010? Thanks
  10. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    I have two members in line ahead of you for the crankshaft. I should have more info and pics Sunday for the engine parts.
  11. 10sec 455

    10sec 455 Well-Known Member

    I didn't see any inquiries on it in the thread?:confused:
  12. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    You are correct as I went back and looked at the thread replies. I did ask members to post on the thread and not PM on parts however I did receive several PMs including 2 on the crank yesterday. Not sure how I need to proceed? Maybe I need to pull it off the market??? Anyone want to give suggestions on what to do here??? :Do No:
  13. Cellguy

    Cellguy 86 Somerset Screamer

    You have been running around trying to reply to everyone on this thread. You have a lot of stuff there.. Things do and can get crossed up. In your own words... "If you see something you may want, dib here on this thread and not PM." This site is full of stand up guys maybe someone or two would step aside to see that the person who really needs the crank get it?. Do all 3 want the crank? I would repeat the how you want to be reached for parts. I know my 2 cents doesn't solve your issue. Maybe reach out to the big guy himself..
  14. 10sec 455

    10sec 455 Well-Known Member

    It's no big deal to me. I just didn't see any replies and made sure I read through them before I posted. Good luck with your sales.
  15. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    Jeff/ 10sec 455,

    I'm a man of my word and I did state in the initial post for this thread for members to dib on the thread and NOT PM. So to be fair, you have first shot/ first refusal on the crank. I have been overwhelmed with all of the responses on my parts and doing the best I can. I'll stand on principle anyday before making a quick sale. I report to my "Big Boss" who is all knowing and all seeing and in control of all. I do want to point out that I stated in the initial post that the block, crank, and heads MUST be picked up or the buyer will arrange for transport. I am located in Macon, GA. I will pick up the block, crank, and heads Sunday from storage and will post pics and detailed info on the work done from a conversation with my good friend who dealt with the machinist.

    Last reminder guys..... PLEASE post on the thread ONLY if you want any parts. Save the PMs for shipping info and confirmation. This will make for much less confusion on all of us.
  16. wheelz

    wheelz 'B' is for Buick.

    Hey Evans...I have just sent payment for the ribbed center caps AND the color chart. THANQ! Wheelz, Tampa Bay
  17. Evans Ward

    Evans Ward Well-Known Member

    Got it wheelz! I have your packages ready to mail tomorrow. :)
  18. CarolinaDrifter

    CarolinaDrifter Well-Known Member

    I had first dibs on the block and crank via PM from EW the other day.

    1:40PM 7-16-09 "Commerce may be a possibility. Let me get the parts from storage and I may be able to do slightly better on the price. I'll be back in touch with you and give you first shot/ first refusal.

    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  19. SportWagonGS

    SportWagonGS Moderator

    I'm calling dibs on the Stinger for Greg Edmondson.....
    I'll get him to post tomorrow or Sunday

  20. 10sec 455

    10sec 455 Well-Known Member

    I recieved a pm from the gut who wants the crank and block. I didn't notice that you didn't want to ship them. Just let him purchase them from you or what ever you decide to do. Like I said before, it's no big deal to me. I had thought maybe you were confused when you said you had 2 people in line in front of me for the crank when there was no replies. You do have quite a large list there and it get confusing real easy. Thanks for the offer.
    Thanks, Jeff

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