New Chrome Valve Covers

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by jpoole, May 7, 2004.

  1. jpoole

    jpoole Stage 1

    Has anyone bought, see or heard of these? Site says they are new valve covers, TA said they were going to make some new covers, are these the same?
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    Stage 1 style were just reproed by someone else. There are pics somewhere on the net perhaps here. The person is a friend of a Board member here because we had a post about what and whether to include a stamped number.
  3. jpoole

    jpoole Stage 1

  4. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest


    Your link is the one about which I was speaking.
  5. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    I spoke to my friend Anthony about the correct 70-72 covers and they should be available for the BPG meet. I will try and bring a bunch out with me.
  6. jpoole

    jpoole Stage 1

    Hey John, are these the same ones as Noah's Performance, and did they end up putting the part number on them or not putting one on? Also, how much are you going to be selling them for at BPG?

    Thanks, Jeff
  7. Skyhawk

    Skyhawk Well-Known Member

    The ones on his site are the 73 covers with no part number. The 70-72 covers are being stamped in a week or two with the part numbers on them. He said they should be the same price of $200 and will include hardware with the bolts for the wire looms.

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