No Spark to Plugs!!! Help asap

Discussion in 'Sparky's corner' started by 68Rivi_In_Cali, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. 68Rivi_In_Cali

    68Rivi_In_Cali Well-Known Member

    alright cool, now, I just bought the multimeter, One more idea, Could it be that the ignition switch is dying and doesn't supply enough juice? How do I bypass the ignition switch, if the car has no solenoid? or maybe I dont see it :Do No:
  2. 68Rivi_In_Cali

    68Rivi_In_Cali Well-Known Member

    Things keep getting worse, I'm never gonna have a Buick That runs properly:confused: :puzzled:
  3. CJay

    CJay Supercar owner Staff Member

    You do realize that the ignition switch is not in the column right? Its bolted to the base of the column down by the brake pedal
  4. 68Rivi_In_Cali

    68Rivi_In_Cali Well-Known Member

    Yea i know, but the sector gear, was broken, the engine light was on in tge off position
  5. 68Rivi_In_Cali

    68Rivi_In_Cali Well-Known Member

    Alright Guys, I switched the Sector Gear in the column, I also replaced the signal cam, and I replaced the Ignition Switch, I then crawled under the car and there was a cable barely connected to the started, I bolted back on on still nothing, Went and bought a coil and that did the trick!!!!!

    I had attempted to switch the coil before and I did with no luck, That means that the ignition switch, and the disconnected wire from the started along with a bad coil was the culprit!!! The weird thing is I tested the coil as soon as this happened, so that is why I crossed it off, I even used the old one and yup, its dead, Well this ordeal is over with, I guess I learned a lot about the lark, I can rebuild the steering column by myself haha..

    Well on to the next oil leak:puzzled: :blast: :mad:

    Its a lot of oil, and I suspect it is the rear of the pan but also might be the seal because I had to pour in a quart since it lost it while I was out of the country, my driveway was ruined

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