Not much for religion...

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by pyro225, Jun 29, 2008.

  1. pyro225

    pyro225 Heres to fireworks safety

    I'm not much for religion per se, but I sure could use a bit of divine encouragement and support.
    Between struggling with depression, separation from my Son, possible permanent divorce from the Love of My Life, and teetering on the brink of financial ruin - I'm in quite a jam.
    I've done some praying to what/whom-ever is listening and it seems to relieve some of the pain.
    I bounce back and forth from seeing the light at the end of my current dark tunnel as being hope - or being a freight train.
    I've read some of the threads here, and it's apparent there's a good deal of faith in and understanding of divine intervention amongst the members.
    I figured it wouldn't hurt to humble myself and ask for some additional prayers to help me persevere and make it through this difficult time in my life.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. 70 gsconvt

    70 gsconvt Silver Level contributor

    There's nothing wrong with humbling yourself before God. And that's why you have friends, to lean on during the tough times. I'll say a prayer for you.
  3. doc

    doc Well-Known Member

    Doug, I have been in the shoes that you are in and it aint fun.... In fact what you have described was so similar , it was erie.....My first wife took off with a 52 year old lawyer, and I got run thru the wringer..... enough said about that. Now it may surprise you but God hates religion.... Christ went head to head with the religious leaders more than any one else when he was here.....
    You are doing exactly the right thing to get your life straightened out again.... God is real and the spirit world is real, just as real as the natural world that we live in.... I would encourage you to read your bible along with the praying that you are doing.... go to the book of psalms, and see what David's life was like....You will relate to him... God created families and the devil is in the business of destroying them..... what has happened to you did not come from God ,, it came from the devil....
    I told God that I picked out the first woman and I wanted him to pick out the next one..... He did and it has lasted 36 years now and has been wonderfull....
    Find you a church where you can Feel the presence of God when you walk thru the door,,, [that warm, gentle, loving attraction, that comes from OUTSIDE of you, not inside of you.] and start going there on a regular basis. Let the people there minister to you.... You need that support right now.... When you start making moves toward God , he will start making moves toward you.... ck it out, dont take my word for it.... put God to the test... He loves responding to people....
    Use your Buick to keep your mind straight during the tough times.... it keeps your mind off the troubles for a while..... It will take some time for you to get your feet on the ground again, but You will and life will return to normal again, You will laugh again.... You will relax again..... You will love again.....
    Good blessings to you,,,, stay in touch....... Doc.:grin: :grin: :grin:
  4. staged73

    staged73 Well-Known Member

    Excellent advice Doc. So true. I am praying for you too Doug. Ed
  5. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    Very true. I pray for strength for you. Don't forget to ask forgiveness in your prayers too. Alot of people forget that step (I still forget), and thats important.

    BUICKRAT Got any treats?


    Admitting to God that we are sinners is the first step towards divine intervention. Thanking him for his great creation is the second. Pray daily...set a time aside every day to praise him and the answers to your troubles will be revealed. It probably wont be a blinding flash and poof, everything is good, it will happen slowly, one hurdle at a time. Also remember, the Lord helps those that help themselves. You must also show him that you are strong and willing to do what it takes to solve these troubles. We are also pulling for you!
  7. carmantx

    carmantx Never Surrender

    Praying for you Doug. Keep the spirit. Prayer is powerful.
  8. 455regal

    455regal Well-Known Member

    I couldn't have said it better than "Doc" great advice!! Keep your chin up Doug! I'll be praying for ya! I've personally found that God sometimes allows us to "wallow" in our ( or someone else's) mess so we can only look up!
  9. pyro225

    pyro225 Heres to fireworks safety

    Thanks for the prayers, guys. It was a bit easier to get out of bed this morning. Just acknowledging out loud I'm having a difficult time and asking for help made all the weight I'm carrying seem a little lighter. I really appreciate all the encouragement, too.
    And BTW doc, I'm unfortunately "Buick-less" right now. But I've got a 66 Ford pickup that's keeping me occupied - thank God for that truck, even though it's falling apart!
  10. skylarkroost

    skylarkroost skylarkroost

    Sometimes it helps to look around you and try and find as many blessings that you have and thank God for those. I know sometimes it's hard when lots of stuff is piling up on you. Maybe your health or anything that is remotely going right. Focus on those and remember to thank Him for the comfort that they bring you. He is always there and His only request is that we love and communicate with Him asking for help thru the valleys we go through. Hang in there, every day will get a little bit better. Doc is a good friend of mine and the advice he gave you is very sound. Finding a place of worship that moves you during the service is the best criteria for a good church to go to regularly. My prayers are with you as well as the others here.
  11. bullisbm

    bullisbm Well-Known Member

    Hey Pyro,

    I am kinda in the same boat right now.. just a bit away from a divorce after almost 20 years. Actually if it was not for the lack of money it would probably be done.

    Daughter pretty much thinks everthing is my fault so we don't talk much.

    So I know how your feeling. Where are you in Portland?
  12. adamst56

    adamst56 Well-Known Member

    The manifestation of almost every faith is the positive vibe (love) that we share with one another. The best place to find it is with true friends and truly good people. There are a bunch of good guys here that will be pulling for you.
    I wish you all the best. Hit your departing spouse where it hurts the most, tell her you love her so much that you want her to be happy.
  13. pyro225

    pyro225 Heres to fireworks safety

    Hi Bret. Sorry to hear you're going through a similar situation. That's gotta be tough with your daughter, too.
    And I'm over the bridge by the airport.
  14. bullisbm

    bullisbm Well-Known Member

    Maybe we could have a drink sometime and complain about our lives.. lol
  15. chryco63

    chryco63 14's or bust!

    Prayers for you, Doug. Keep searching higher... God's up there, and He'll make himself known to you if you keep searching. :TU: God bless.
  16. staged70

    staged70 RIP

    Somewhat of a different take. I too believe in God. I also went thru the dark depression caused by divorce. Let me tell you if my first wife had not done what she did and broken up our home I would not be where I am today. You talk about finiancial ruin , I lived in a 66 Fairlane wagon that a friend loaned me the money to buy after a royal screwing by the ex and her new (friend). I took baths in a gas station sink. I had no job and no money. You know what after I got done feeling sorry for myself and feeling like my life was over I had some of the best times of my life. I met good people and ended up meeting an old girlfriend. She is now my wife of 28+ years and we have 2 beautiful grandsons. Take the time to grieve your relationship when you can spend time with your child and then take control of your life and make changes, become stronger because of thiws adversity. remember you have friends everywhere !
  17. pyro225

    pyro225 Heres to fireworks safety

    Thanks for sharing that John. It's been easy to lose sight of what's important and what is going RIGHT while everything is turned upside down. It helps to hear others who have made it through times like this and become stronger because of it. You've reminded me of the Nietzsche quote in my sig: Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich starker (What does not destroy me, makes me stronger). Thanks.
  18. 6671

    6671 Well-Known Member

    Pyro, you didn't share many specifics and that is your perrogative but sometimes the particulars can help. I was an active alcoholic for the first marriage and that lasted about 7-8 years. After divorce I went to detox/rehab and had 3 wonderful years of a relationship leading to marriage and I hurt my back and got into pain pills and we divorced again. Yes, I remarried my wife and lost her twice and if there is one failure in my life it that marriage, both of them actually. I lost my son and I recently posted a thread asking for help through emails to my ex who can get emails to my son as I have no way to contact him. I am hoping if he sees that I am willing to go as far as asking strangers to show my love for him that maybe he will at least open communication between us, that would be a start.
    Doc got it right on the head, God, through His Son, Jesus, never set up a religion. He did set up His church but that is different. The church spoken of here is the bride of christ and the body who does the work of Christ until His return and from the looks of the signs He gave it may not be far off.
    Imagine our creator came in the form of sinful flesh and because of sin suffered and died so that the rightenous of the law would be fullfilled in those of us who do not any longer walk in the flesh but in the spirit!
    You were told to tell your wife you love her. That is correct. You are to love her as you love the Lord, with all your heart, mind and soul. Tell her so. get on your knees and confess your faults to her and to God. If ylou arte heartful honest God Himself through the Spirit will take up up residence in you! That is a promise and God cannot sin and breaking a promise would eb that so you can count on what He says. If things do not turn out the way you would like the first time, DO NOT CHANGE! God works on His schedule and he has a palan for everyone who places their God given faith in Him, not even the faith is ours as we can do nothing without Him.
    I lost everything twice as far as finances go and now I am no rich by a long shot according to this world but rich beyond most mens dreams.
    Listen to Doc as he is truly a born again Christian. God has chosen him as I think He has chosen you to take the first step. I listed a few things back about the situation Mark, not me, is going thru. The ABC's of Salvation. Start there. PM Doc or me if you like but Doc has it straight.
  19. GSXMEN

    GSXMEN Got Jesus?

    Doug - I sent you a PM.
  20. Buick

    Buick Ramin Ansari


    Along with a prayer for you, you might gain some comfort by a Bible passage that I often rely upon: Matthew 6:25-34 (also repeated in Luke 12:22-31).

    Just think, if mere "strangers" here who are your brothers want to provide encouragement and support to you, what more might the "stranger" who is your Father above want for you? You are cared about by more than you may know, both here and above.

    Take care,

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