Production figures for 1972 Sklark 2-door sedan?

Discussion in 'The "Paper Trail"' started by BUQUICK, Jul 12, 2006.


    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Anyone have the production figures for 1972 Buick Skylark, model 4D27?
  2. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    I have the Sloan daily car reports for 70 Post cars and to my knowledge,no one most likely has the 72's. Since they are a different model,you have to get them alone. They are not included in the GS cars so I bet the interest in them isn't too much,but it would be another set of daily car reports worth having in case something would ever happen to the Slaon stuff. It would be good for someone to have them in case...

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Thanks, I guess I will try to obtain them from the Sloan Museum, never done that before but will look on their website to find out how.

    Maybe if I get them we could trade copies?
  4. Buick Trainee

    Buick Trainee Dreaming GSX

    1972 Buick Production Figures

    Model 43327-Two-Door Coupe....................................14,552
    VIN 4D27H2H100001 up
    Model 43337-Two-Door Sport Coupe..............................84,868
    VIN 4D37H2H100001 up
    Model 43369-Four-Door Sedan...................................42,206
    VIN 4D69H2H100001 up

    Optional engines (5th character) J,K
    Other plant codes (7th character) C,G,X,Y,Z

    I took that info from
    They have most all years and models listed this way.

  5. bignastyGS

    bignastyGS Maggot pilot

    All you need is a credit card number and to tell them which model number you desire. They can be as little amount as 4 or as big as 10. In the case of the 70,it is 8 pages. They charge you by the copy but not a bad price in all. I would gladly get copies for the 70 post cars and send to you.You can never have enough info anymore.
  6. Mr Big

    Mr Big Silver Level contributor

    Yes! 14,552 is correct according to The Standard Catalog of Buick 1903-1990, Copyright 1991, published by Krause Publications, Inc.

    BUQUICK I'm your huckleberry.

    Wow, over 14,000! I wasn't expecting the number to even be over 10,000. Sure don't seem to see to many of them around today. I guess they got used up and discarded or turned into parts cars for our GS cars.

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