quarter panels

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by SS-TRUCK, Nov 11, 2005.


    SS-TRUCK Stage 1 X

    I bought repop quarter panels for my X. I now realise that the panels are for a convertable, other than being short on the roof pillar splice are they the same?
  2. SmittyDawg

    SmittyDawg Need another garage....

    From what I've seen, all "convertible" repro quarters out there are just coupe quarters with the sail panels chopped off....not true convertible quarters at all. The upper contours of the quarter panel are quite different between the coupe and the convertible. I'm not an expert at all, but I'm relatively sure that the panels you have are more correct for your car than they would be for a convertible.
  3. GS-XNR

    GS-XNR Well-Known Member

    It's hard to tell without a pic, but I doubt you have convertible quarters. Repro quarters can be bought with the full sail panel or cut off just below the sail panel. I have two of the shorter ones myself and they are hard top quarters.


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