Requesting Prayers

Discussion in 'Help From Above' started by LouV, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. LouV

    LouV Silver Level contributor

    A beautiful young lady at our church was diagnosed with Lymphoma this past Monday. She is 18 and a senior in high school. I am asking for your prayers for her and I would also like you to pass this on to your friends. If your church has a prayer chain I am asking that this be passed to your prayer chain as well. Chemo will be starting soon. Thank you.
  2. Ken Maisano

    Ken Maisano Platinum Level Contributor

    Prayers are sent. Wishing her a fast recovery and the best years are ahead for her.
  3. kent.gardner

    kent.gardner Well-Known Member

    Well said Ken.
    Prayers sent
  4. bhambulldog

    bhambulldog 1955 76-RoadmasterRiviera

    Prayers for the young lady, her family, and her doctors and nurses.

    We can also help cancer patients (and other sick folks) by donating blood products by Apheresis.
    Contact your local Red Cross.

    I've been donating blood products for 24 years.
  5. Doo Wop

    Doo Wop Where were you in '62?

    Prayer said and good thoughts sent out to the young lady.
  6. cobravii

    cobravii Well-Known Member

    Prayers sent for healing for her and strength for her family.
  7. finitebidder

    finitebidder Well-Known Member

    Prayers lifted up for her & her loved ones.

  8. LouV

    LouV Silver Level contributor

    Re: Requesting Prayers - Update

    I again thank all those who have offered prayers for Devon. They have been answered. The oncologist feels that the cancer has only spread to the lymph nodes in her left jaw and neck. He also feels that chemo can be completed in 2 months instead of the original 6 - 8 months that was first thought appropriate. She only has to have chemo every other week. He also feels that due to her age and overall excellent health that she will fully recover. God is so good! Thank you.

  9. Floydsbuick

    Floydsbuick Well-Known Member

    Glad to hear she doing better!

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