Shipping to the US

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by Atbb, Mar 19, 2024.

  1. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Hi there

    I`d like to ship my engine for refreshening to the US from continental Europe. Somebody has done it before in the recent past, some addresses, some input concerning costs, problems ect? Let`s hear it.

    Thanks in advance

  2. Mister T

    Mister T Just truckin' around

    You could try contacting BuickGSrules who lives in Denmark. He's shipped a few cars and probably lots of parts from the US to Europe and may have more insight as to the procedures and costs involved.
    Bill's Auto Works likes this.
  3. BuickGSrules

    BuickGSrules Gold Level Contributor

    Jens - feel free to send me a PM. As Tom says I have shipped both ways several times.
    Dano and Bill's Auto Works like this.
  4. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Gentlemen, as`s great to be part of this community, I would have never survived with my car without you guys ,your help and knowledge...thanks.

    Jan, I`ll get in touch with you ;)

    Dano likes this.
  5. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    why ship your engine overseas for a rebuild?
  6. Luxus

    Luxus Gold Level Contributor

    Getting a Buick engine rebuilt correctly in the US can be a challenge. Most unfamiliar with Buick engines would try to build it like a Chevy and that's not good. I can only imagine the problem would be 100 times worse in Europe where most builders have probably never seen a 45+ year old US engine come in for rebuild.
  7. Max Damage

    Max Damage I'm working on it!

    It's not rocket science. A competent builder and a competent machinist can read the specs and do it correctly. Especially if they have an annoying customer, who provides them with the correct info.
    bw1339 likes this.
  8. charlierogers

    charlierogers GSX stage 1 4 speed #149

    not being a wiseguy, what do you mean building it like a chevy? i do agree about finding a reputable builder being alot harder these days! but there are NO mysteries about building a buick engine. all the correct info anyone needs is available on the internet. all you need is a good machine shop that will do proper machine work. 2nd recheck main/rod/ring gap/ect,ect with simple tools. 3rd double check 2nd step. assy engine!
    bw1339 likes this.
  9. LARRY70GS

    LARRY70GS a.k.a. "THE WIZARD" Staff Member

    They build a Buick with Chevy bearing clearances (too large). Then blame the Buick weak oiling system for low oil pressure. As long as the machine shop is competent and willing to follow the Buick specs, the rebuild should be successful.
    bw1339 and Max Damage like this.
  10. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Hi there

    My engine was originally build by AM&P 11 years ago, runs superstrong, a real treat.

    But looks like I've blown the rings going on a high speed challenge on the Autobahn a few years back. Smokes quite some above. 4000 rpm, blowby....

    I' m trying to get the engine to an engine builder recommended by Mike, for a rebuild, nothing to deep, too fancy, but want to nail it the first time.

    Joko seems interesting though, I'll try to contact him . Thanks for all your input so far.

    knucklebusted likes this.
  11. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Great, I'll get in touch with him then...
  12. knucklebusted

    knucklebusted Well-Known Member

    Do you know for sure it is the rings? It could be the valve seals. Some simple tests should narrow it down.
  13. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Too much smoke, and one of the heads was gone through 2 years ago, new valve...would like it to be those, but quite sure it's a little more...
  14. bw1339

    bw1339 Well-Known Member

    I would agree that an engine is an engine. Given the proper specs, any competent machineshop should be able to do a good job.
    charlierogers likes this.
  15. Dano

    Dano Platinum Level Contributor

    Agree however "competant" & "should" are becoming less & less.
  16. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Yes, I would agree....that`s why all this fuzz!
  17. BaCo

    BaCo member

    John (joko) is the place to be for your engine in Europe! Great guy.
  18. Atbb

    Atbb Well-Known Member

    Thanks, BaCo. Where in the Netherlands is he located? Got friends in Rotterdam and part of my maternal family comes from Bruxelles ( not Netherlands, but somehow close;))


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