Sophie (my mutt) licks her chops .......

Discussion in 'The Bench' started by yuk, Jan 12, 2004.

  1. yuk

    yuk Well-Known Member

    in anticipation of the completion of her new, LARGER, dog house..........

    silly dog.

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  2. Dana/Beth Andrews

    Dana/Beth Andrews Huc accedit zambonis!

    good doggy
    guarding the american homestead
    ferocious beast that she is...

    Last edited: Jan 13, 2004
  3. txgwildcat

    txgwildcat Guest

    :eek: ...

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  4. jamyers

    jamyers 2 gallons of fun

    Good to see your Head of Security is on the job, vigilantly keeping watch.

    Give Sophie some ear-scratchin's from me, and thanks for your kind words about our Moly.:beer
  5. yuk

    yuk Well-Known Member

    Sophie came from a shelter where her previous owner beat the crap out of her.
    my friend BR got her from the shelter and she wouldn't have anything to do with anyone... every time company came over, she would hide under his bed, scared to death. but.....
    every time I would visit, the dog would come out from hiding and hop up on the couch very cautiously and nudge my hand so i would pet her.BR and Janice (a psycology major) were always amazed at how differently Sophie acted around me. Janice tried to figure Sophie out ... but never could. when Janice gave birth to their son Drake, Sophie loved the baby, but still didnt care for Janice much .... They moved to a house with a much smaller yard shortly after drake was born.
    BR called me and asked if i wanted sophie. there was no way i was gonna say no.

    sophie is the wierdest dog i have ever had. she is scared to death of the oven and toaster oven when they are on.

    she hates rain and storms and hides behind my recliner when they come.... unless i will let her outside ... then she will run around outside in the storm like nothing out of the normal is happnin.

    sophie loves baths, her teeth brushed, hair brushed, belly rubbed, ears cleaned with Q-tips, chin scratched, hair-cuts, chasin cats, sniffin babies, ridin in the car, hidin in terror from kids, hidin from adults that arent daily visitors, and to fetch.

    she is a great dog and seems perfectly normal when the days company has left.

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