super t-10 linkage setting

Discussion in 'U-shift em' started by 900hpskylark, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. 900hpskylark

    900hpskylark Active Member

    Can someone post a pic of how the linkage should face when connected to the trans. I may have the linkage attached incorrectly. I am not used to 4-speeds at all...duh. Thanks
  2. poison heart

    poison heart Well-Known Member

    I don't see how you can connect it wrong unless you have the wrong rods to the wrong tabs or something.

    Why do you ask?
  3. allioop108

    allioop108 Well-Known Member

    can you post a picture of your setup and then i can tell you if its right or wrong. the rods will be on top and in my case the shift tabs are flat, on other applications the tabs bend slightly away from the tranny. my cam is iffy so for me to even get under and take pictures isnt possible but for reference if u search enough, go to precision petes web site and u will see very good pictures of how everything should be orientated.


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