tar paper underlayment

Discussion in 'Repro Parts' started by dreeesh, Feb 25, 2007.

  1. dreeesh

    dreeesh Well-Known Member

    does anybody know where to get this stuff besides year one?there are very pricey!!!:rant:
  2. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    The GTO suppliers like Ames or Perfromance Years have it but I would like to talk you out of it. It is too heavy and you really need to bake it in to get it to fit. There is much superior and lighter stuff to use now.

  3. dreeesh

    dreeesh Well-Known Member

    im all ears!!...........will the other stuff fit and function like factory pieces?
  4. ice man

    ice man Well-Known Member

    Check your local lumber yard or home center for what I'll call ice shield, used under roofing shingles. It comes in a 3' roll, about 1/8" thick, and quite sticky.
    I used it, it formed quite easily with the use of a heat gun, or wait and do it in the summer heat.
  5. PaulGS

    PaulGS Well-Known Member

    DynaMat is the only stuff to use: forms to the floors, and kills sound and heat.

    This is one of the best things I have done to my car.
  6. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    The original stuff is like rolled lead sheets --relly stiff. Brad told me they baked the factory cars to ever get the stuff to lay out. It is really rigid when you get it in a roll.

    The last I put in was cut just like the original pieces which but was a modern sound barrier. It installed without a lot of issues . It was made by a company in Ormond Beach Florida and was cut just for A bodies. I need to try to locate the name. I think I posted the name here once.
  7. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

  8. dreeesh

    dreeesh Well-Known Member

    do you have their phone number i went tothier website but it seems to be down:Do No:
  9. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    I no longer have the number but that is the company.

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