Think waiting in staging lanes is long.....

Discussion in 'The "Other" Bench' started by LON, Nov 15, 2010.

  1. LON

    LON Well-Known Member

    Should attend a Judo tournament:eek2: Jeff had his first tournament Saturday and we had to be there for check-in's at 8:30am. He finally got to do his first match at 7:30pm:puzzled: So we waited 11-1/2 hours for 3 minutes of mat work but the result was worth it. Silver medal in the under 135lb class!

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  2. LON

    LON Well-Known Member

    Same day in a different location Angelle was collecting these for her rodeo riding - 3 3rd's and a 2nd

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  3. David G

    David G de-modded....


    We've found the same problem with Tae Kwon Do tournaments... hurry up and wait, all day long.
  4. TheSilverBuick

    TheSilverBuick In the Middle of No Where

    Same problems with tournaments in Vegas. 10 hour day for 6 to 12 minutes of action. Sign up for everything you can! But it does cost more at that point :Dou:

    RACEBUICKS Midwest Buick Mafia

    Wrestling starts this week and its the same thing. Weigh in is 6am then you go to the school that is hosting the tournement. Usually our first match is 9-930 for 3-4 minutes total unless we win early with a pin. then wait for 1.5 hours minumum for the next round then repeat for at least 5 rounds sometimes 6 by the time you get home its 11 pm

    Oh yea last year he was 29-5 for the season...........we are looking forward to this year can you say state!

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