Time to give up on Bulldog heads?

Discussion in 'Street/strip 400/430/455' started by ranger, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. ranger

    ranger Well-Known Member

    Hi folks,

    well, not to beat a dead horse, but I, for one, think it's time to give up on the Bulldog heads. While I do think that they will be produced some time in the next couple of years, when I last spoke with Jim Burek he told me that the new Block was being given first priority. I certainly understand that--with all the wait and delay that's gone on with that project.

    Still, it may be a long time before the block gets rolling, and/or the bugs ironed out, and to subordinate the cylinder-head project to the new block makes me think that we are a long way off from seeing any heads.



    Craig Stangohr
    Aiken, S.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2005
  2. BillMah52

    BillMah52 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes these things take much longer than people might expect.
    I am learning from personal experience with a few manufacturers that the process is not as simple as one would hope. Take into account that these Buick specific parts are going to have a extremely limited market puts them very low on the priority list. At least we know that they are going to become a reality. We just need to have much patience.
  3. Yardley

    Yardley Club Jackass

    In the meantime, TA makes some excellent aluminum heads and they offer many choices. Why wait for Bulldog when you can get TA today?
  4. Dwane Williams

    Dwane Williams Well-Known Member

    According to this add in Car Craft,July 2005. Edelbrock are making big block Buick heads that will be ready by the end of the year.

    Attached Files:

  5. I highly doubt that Edelbrock will put the R&D time in to make their heads much better than a stock stage 1 head. these days your best bet is TA. you know the heads are good and you know what your getting and when your getting them.
  6. flynbuick

    flynbuick Guest

    In August, 2005 I asked the Eldebrock reps at the MOPAR Nationals in Columbus about the fact they may be making Buick heads and they said they were not. No, I cannot explain it.
  7. Dwane Williams

    Dwane Williams Well-Known Member

    I guess time will tell, I don't why they would advertise it if they had no intentions of doing it.
  8. RudyE

    RudyE Well-Known Member

    The Edelbrock thing is interesting. I run across them each winter at our yearly trade show. I always ask them about the Buick V8 and V6 heads. They told me that they felt that TA more or less had the business covered, and that they could not see the business case for doing their own. That being said, they have really reinvigorated other "obsolete" engine families by doing heads. Pontiac also had other aftermarket heads available, but Edelbrocks are highly regarded in that circle, now. They have heads for FE Fords, for crying out loud, so I suppose that Buicks are not out of the question. Thanks, Rudy E
  9. texas ranger

    texas ranger One riot one ranger

    Didn't they say the same thing about there new intake?
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2005
  10. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

  11. 1970GS455

    1970GS455 Well-Known Member

    Was wondering what the latest progress, or lack of progress report was. I have a financial interest in this project as well, and have stayed silent as a respect for all that is involved in a project of this magnitude.

    BUT, where I feel MOST neglected is not the lack of a product, its the lack of information on how the project is progressing. I dont necessary like the fact its taken longer than first projected, but that is not my primary beef with it. I do not like NOT being informed say, on a month to month basis on progress or delays. Its been 2 years, and it seems I know as much now as I did two years ago. ANY reports to me, or the public where I can see it would be welcomed.

    Again, Im 2 years into waiting for a product that was paid for up front. I dont know whether to give up as been stated, or wait it out for what appears to be a great product. My decision would be easier to make if I had honest and accurate information on when I will physically have heads at my disposal.

    How many sets are actually "out there" I know of the ones that 10sec455 (forgive me if I have the screen name wrong), but are there others out there that have em? Just curious........... :Do No:

    If you noticed, I havent assessed blame or publicly called anyone out. This isnt about that. I am just sharing concerns with the original poster.
  12. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest


    could you please date that page and subsequent news releases? i don't know whether this is supposed to be the new production from the new foundry or whether this is a release from ~9 months ago when this subject first started getting all hot and heavy.
  13. GStage1

    GStage1 Always looking for parts!

    Pics were just sent to me on 10-7-05

    Since this is a small project, volume and cost wise, I would not expect a speedy development or delivery. Since race season is over, I think within 6-8 months the blocks will be done. Heads should be next. I understand the "need it yesterday" mentality in today's world but I like to follow the thought/idea "job done right instead of job done right now" or "never time to do it right but always time to do it over"

    I will add a date to the web page so you will know latest updates.
  14. bob k. mando

    bob k. mando Guest

    i suspected so but thanks for verifying.
  15. ranger

    ranger Well-Known Member

    Hi folks,

    with regard to Yardley's comment on why not just buy T/A heads right now instead of waiting for the Bullodgs, I would say:

    1. Most of the "Big Guns" on this Board agree that the Bulldogs flow much better right out of the box.

    2. The same guys agree that the Bulldogs take much less work to flow big numbers.

    3. Bulldogs appear to have a more modern/efficient combustion chamber design.

    4. Bulldogs are cheaper.

    5. I am still a little annoyed that for a long time (and maybe to this day) Mike was selling hydraulic lifters (like the set I bought from him) that were "junk" in the opinion of many people on this Board. You either had to throw them away or spend 4 hours of "bench time" disassembling each lifter to clean out all the crap inside before you installed them.

    Regards to all,

    Craig Stangohr
    Aiken, S.C.
  16. TXGS

    TXGS Paint by numbers 70 GS 455 4spd

    Wayne there was a 600hp wildcat with bulldog heads here in Austin. He has since moved to San Fransico, CA. The sound bite from the Austin Area Buicks site is him driving off in the wildcat. :TU:
  17. Ken Mild

    Ken Mild King of 18 Year Resto's

    Where in that add does it say anything Buick related? :Do No:

    I see..... "Out-of-the-box performance for AMC, Chevy, Chrysler, Ford, Olds & Pontiac". :Do No:

    Regarding another post.. I don't get it. The market is cornered for Buick, but not for Olds or Pontiac? That's a lame excuse by Edelbrock. With the kind of money behind them and manufacturing capability, they would probably be the new corner in the Buick head market if they would just produce them. :puzzled:

    Oh, and not enough manufacturers of Chevy heads out there either right? :confused:
  18. Dwane Williams

    Dwane Williams Well-Known Member

    It's is hard to see in that first post, here is a zoomed in version, it's right at the bottom.

    Attached Files:

  19. Schurkey

    Schurkey Silver Level contributor

    IF Edelbrock builds Buick heads, lets hope they do a better job than what was done with the Olds heads. Good-but not great-price. Not so hot on the actual design 'n' production.

    Oh, by the way: You should have heard the Olds community piss and moan about availability of Bulldog heads a year or two ago. You could drown in the tears. Guess what!? They're now available.
  20. tommieboy

    tommieboy Well-Known Member

    Sounds about right to me....:)

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